"Open up now?"

Su Qing couldn't help feeling that the burden was a bit heavy: "But our stocks have plummeted, so where is the energy..."

Su Qingge smiled: "We don't have it, the Meng family does!"

"The Meng family?"

Su Qing thinks it's a fantasy, isn't the Meng family different from ours? ? ?

Will you cooperate with us? ?

"The Meng family borrowed 600 million from us! Xia Xi is Jingyun's only granddaughter. Do you think that old Meng Jingtian will still be the same as before?"

Su Qing understood that it was absolutely impossible, and maybe she could even praise Xiaoxi to the sky!

"But, Xiao Xi is a child of our family!"

"That's right, that old man Meng Jingtian not only has to support our little Xi, but he can't take away our little Xi!"

It's cool to think about it, isn't it?

Haha, no matter which time, Su Qingge is the one who wins!

"Okay, Dad, I'll meet Xiaoxi, and then I'll go back."

"Well, let's stay for a few days, don't worry."


At this time, Su's underground parking lot.

Xia Xi walked slowly. At this time, there was only one car in the parking lot. Zhan Yu was leaning quietly in front of the car door. Hearing the movement, he raised his eyes and looked over.

Seeing her, that cold and heartless face seemed to come to life, fully presented in front of her.

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth, a little sweetness surged in her heart, she stretched out her hand to hook the man's neck, and offered her full lips.

Kissing is the only thing she wants to do now.

"I'll take you back."


Xia Xi enjoyed the man personally opening the car door for her and getting in.

The glass of the car is completely black, and the outside can't see the inside at all.

There is a partition between the front and rear seats, and pulling it down also cuts off everyone's sight. The driver drove indifferently, and the car passed through the night like a ghost, and went away.

When passing by Su's gate, those paparazzi and reporters were still smiling and accepting the hot milk tea distributed by the company's security. No one noticed that the car just left without a sound.

Zhan Yu subconsciously hooked the corner of his mouth: "This move is very beautiful!"

Xia Xi also laughed: "Many things in this world can be solved without violence, a cup of milk tea is enough!"

Zhan Yu couldn't help laughing out loud, and reached out to rub her curly hair.

"But how long do you plan to rest?"

Now many hardcore fans on the Internet have taken screenshots and posted the message Xia Xi sent them, the content is the same, and the whole network knows that Xia Xi will leave the public for a while.

Some fans were crazily scolding Heizi, saying that they quit the showbiz because of Xidian, but Heizi retorted that Xia Xi thought she had deceived everyone, so she didn't dare to show her head!

The people from the Devil Fan Group came out to persuade them, until they were scolded by both sides in the end, they didn't come out.

Both sides are brain-dead, they don't care, they just need to guard the Temple of Xi and that's it!

However, among them, the fans have been quietly watching.

They liked Xia Xi in women's clothing at first, but now it is revealed that Xia Xi is a woman, which just satisfies their fantasies. A group of nerds are secretly excited, and their faces are calm, waiting for the final truth!

Regarding the news of Xia Xi's temporary cessation of shadows, nothing is more gratifying than Xia Zhengran. Seeing that the revelations she made with one hand turned out to be such a sensation, and also forced Xia Xi to take a siege, Xia Zhengran was so excited that she didn't want to!

Hahaha, deserve it!

You are actually a woman, and you still have to do all of this, you deserve it, you really deserve it!

You deserve nothing! !

She gritted her teeth secretly, but she didn't know that she fell into Xia Xi's arms! !

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