The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1974 The Xia Family Is Mine

Even knowing that Xia Zhengran is one of the masterminds behind the scenes, it's rare that Xia Xi didn't come to Xia Zhengran's door directly to trouble her. However, Boss Yu, who was originally cooperating with her, called and said that she would cancel all resources for Xia Zhengran!

After hearing the news, Xia Zhengran was going crazy!

She has been with that fat man for so long, doing all kinds of filthy things, and now she is telling her, cancel?

Why! !

"Cancelled?! Why is it cancelled?!"

Chen Yurong is going crazy too!

She slapped Xia Zhengran on the face, and said angrily: "Did you do something that made Boss Yu unhappy?!"

She finally begged her grandpa to sue her grandma before she begged for a Boss Yu who was willing to give Xia Zhengran resources and opportunities, but now, she canceled it! !

Cancel! !

Chen Yurong was about to die of anger: "You didn't serve him well, did you? What on earth would you do?! You don't even know how to serve men, you slut who accomplish nothing!"

Xia Zhengran bit her lip and wept silently without saying a word.

She hates it!

All of this is not what she wants to do!

Accompanying that old thing is not what I want to do! !

Why did mother treat her like this?

Why! !

"That bastard Xia Xi can still cling to Huayu's boss, Zhan Yu, isn't Zhan Yu your high school classmate? Ah! She only wants to play the role of a man and use women's methods to seduce you, you little hoof , even this is inferior to Xia Xi!!"

The more Chen Yurong talked, the angrier she became!

She felt cheated!

Be deceived by Su Qing's mother and daughter!

If he knew it was a girl when he was born, Viagra would have divorced Su Qing and married him immediately!

She didn't have to endure humiliation for so many years, but in the end she got nothing! !

"Liars, all liars, damn it, damn it!!"

Chen Yurong is going crazy!

But what's the use now that the truth is out? ?

Xia Wei already had nothing!

The Xia Clan is already Xia Xi's!

She has nothing left!

She stared at her daughter viciously, and raised her hand to hit her: "It's all you, it's all you! Why are you so unbelievable, so unbelievable!"

"Mom, mom, stop beating, stop beating!!"

Xia Zhengran was beaten so helplessly, her hair was pulled tightly, she gritted her teeth and endured the pain that was about to tear off her scalp, and Chen Yurong's fingernails pierced her skin fiercely!

It hurts!

Why does she have to suffer all this? ?

Why beat her like this? ?

Why can't it be the same as before, Mom, don't hit me, you also love me, okay? ?

Xia Zhengran burst into tears, but nothing could stop it, because Chen Yurong was really mad.

Xia Xi turned out to be a woman! !

Damn it, damn it! !

Why is everything so cheap? Mother Su Qing and her daughter! !

After the beating, Chen Yurong was tired, so she threw the dying Xia Zhengran aside, got up, and took a sip of water.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell rang at this time, Chen Yurong frowned impatiently, and opened the door in a daze.

Xia Wei, who hadn't seen him for a long time, stood outside the door. He no longer had the heroic appearance of the past. He was dressed in earth-colored clothes, which made him look extremely downcast.

This kind of man is not the man she Chen Yurong likes!

Chen Yurong wanted to close the door with a look of disgust, but was stopped by Xia Wei, he gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Yurong, we have been fooled by that old bastard Su Qingge, I want to get back what belongs to me, since Xia Xi is a girl, The Xia family can only be mine!!"

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