Carl was shocked.

"Yes, once the movie is released, even if Xia Xi is not popular in China, it will be popular in Europe and America because of Li Ji Nian. At that time, you still want to use 200W to win this commercial?? Go dreaming!"

The sentence "Go dreaming" was like a slap on Carl's face, making him restless.

really? ?

dreaming? ?

Must be dreaming! ! !

No, but with Director Li's ability, the 200W salary seems really unbearable! !

Carl's face turned green.

"Tonight, work overtime for me. Tomorrow morning, I will see the complete video. I will also notify the entire marketing department. There will be a meeting at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. I will make these two advertisements perfect!"


Carl was surprised, why two? ?

"Yu Yang's one is also good. It's suitable for posting on the Internet. Let me tell you, we bought two videos for 2 million, and we earned the money. If I were you, I would have secretly enjoyed it!"

Chen Ming dropped these words, turned and left angrily.

Without the ability, it is naturally impossible to take the position of director of Asia. He has long seen that Xia Xi is extraordinary, otherwise why would he have to have this little-known newcomer!

Although the two-year endorsement is not long, when the contract is signed and the advertisement is released, it is basically the time when Xia Xi's movie is released. By then, it will be the time when COOL will make a profit! !

Therefore, you can't wait, if you miss this time, Huayu will definitely not miss the opportunity to ask for an increase in endorsement fee! !

He can't let outsiders earn COOL's money!

Because of the Asian region, he has the final say!

Chen Ming left angrily, not for anything else, just because Calder was stupid!

How stupid! !

How could the headquarters send such a stupid person? ?

Chen Ming was very angry, and Karl was also very depressed.

He looked at Yu Yang, and simply vented all his anger on the cameraman who had been by his side silently for several years.

"Okay, you fat man, you stayed by my side in obscurity, is that just for this day?"

"not me……"

"You are very good, this time you can directly surpass me and be promoted to the top of the marketing department, huh?"


"That's why I hate Asians the most. They are too shrewd. From time to time, they will give you a little bit of sex behind your back. They are not upright at all. I never thought that I, Carl, would be raped one day!!"

Yu Yang was so blocked that he couldn't say a word, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

He really didn't do it on purpose, who knew that you suppressed the advertisement until now and didn't show it to Mr. Chen? ?

He thought that these high-level executives had already discussed it, so he excitedly showed Mr. Chen the photos he took, and wanted to tell him that Xia Xi was indeed worth 2 million, but he didn't expect...

Hey, how could this happen! !

"Just wait for me, sooner or later I will make it difficult for you to survive in COOL!"

Carl screamed, pushed Yuyang aside, and worked overtime.

Although it has been done, it can be done better.

I don't know what Fatty Yu has done, so Karl decided to make his video to the extreme!

At least he can't let Mr. Chen choose this fat man and kick himself out! !

Yu Yang took a deep breath, and looked at Carl's back with some anxiety.

This golden-haired devil is very bad. Since he said so, he will definitely do it.

It's just a short commercial, and I lost my job, what should I do? ?

Yu Yang was very frustrated, but when he thought of Xia Xi in his video, he felt that she was really handsome!

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