Forget it, it's a big deal to quit!

I am an imposing man, a descendant of the dragon, and I am afraid that a golden-haired devil will fail? ?

And this is the land of the Hua Kingdom, no matter how good he is, he can't jump to the sky!

Yu Yang made up his mind and sneaked out. He decided to go home and sleep.

As for tomorrow, let’s take one step at a time!

Xia Xi didn't know about Yu Yang's plight.

After soaking happily in the medicated bath, I took a good night's sleep.

But Zhan Yu still couldn't fall asleep, he flipped through the files in his laptop.

He is still continuing his research on homosexuality.

He Zhen was unreliable, the eldest brother didn't know what to do, Zhan Yu decided to rely on himself.

Flipping to the end, Zhan Yu stared at the final signature.

The author commented that her book has been published.

It's published.

Zhan Yu opened the door and walked out.

It was already very late at night, everyone in the Su family was asleep, Aunt Liu and Uncle Zhong were not there, but in the darkness, Uncle Song came out slowly, and said respectfully, "Young Master, what are your orders?"

"Haven't slept yet?"

"Yes, not too sleepy."

Uncle Song smiled.

He is the housekeeper who came out of the Zhan family's old house. As long as the light in the master's room is still on, he will not sleep.

"Get me some books tomorrow."

A list was handed over, and Song Gu took it over, and said respectfully: "Okay, young master!"

After sending him back to the bedroom, Matsutani looked at the list in his hand by the light.

It doesn't matter, Matsutani almost threw the things in his hand.

Fuck it, what are these things? ?

"100 Ways to Break Up with a Friend"

"Straight men are easy to bend"

"On 100 Manifestations of Bending"


Matsutani: ……………

Why do you suddenly feel that this book list is a bit hot? ?

In the end to buy or not to buy ah? ?

Songgu has been the chief manager for so many years, and he can handle everything in an orderly manner. Today, when it comes to the small matter of buying books, the chief manager is hesitant.

Old man, Matsutani is sorry for your cultivation, Matsutani is not worthy to be the manager of the young master! !

Song Gu was very helpless, this night, doomed to sleepless.

Because he did a night of ideological struggle, wandering between accepting and not accepting.

Considering the end, Matsutani decided to support the young master without hesitation! !

The old man said when he asked him to take care of the young master, no matter what happens, he is the chief manager of the young master! !

Therefore, no matter what happens, he will definitely be the chief manager of the young master! !

Song Gu raised his head solemnly, and his heart was extremely firm!

"Master, today's breakfast is seasonal spring rolls, soy milk, and millet porridge. Would you like something to drink, Master?"

As soon as Zhan Yu went out, he saw Song Gu who greeted him with a smiling face.

"Uncle Song, your dark circles..."

Did you not sleep last night? ?

Dark circles so heavy? ?

Song Gu never stayed up late before.

"The young master is in his third year of high school. I went to look up some nutritious diet recipes, so I went to bed late."

Zhan Yu nodded: "Soy milk, don't add sugar, the teacher and Xiaoxi both like the original flavor."

"Good young master!"

When breakfast was ready, several people also got up.

Su Qing was just as busy, she swallowed her breakfast in a few mouthfuls, grabbed her briefcase and ran out.

"Young Master Zhan, you should eat more, and Xiao Xi's movie is bothering you. I heard that it's finished. Congratulate Xiao Xi for me. The company suddenly has a lot of business, so I'm leaving first!"

Su Qing was very happy, the corners of her eyes and brows were full of joy that couldn't be concealed.

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