"Sister Yinghong, the car seems to be fine, should we go home directly or go to the 4S shop to check?"

Outside the car, Xia Xi stood in the snow-covered green belt, checking in circles.

There is no smell of gasoline, no scratches on the body, no deformation of the chassis, and nothing wrong with the exterior.

I'll go, don't look at the car is not expensive, the performance is good!

Xia Xi squinted her eyes, looked at her small car, and thought that she should not change it at all, let Zhan Yu take back the luxury cars, and just give her some more money.


Liu Yinghong was still in the midst of madly complaining.


That's right, there was a car accident, and she accidentally drove the car onto the curb.

After reacting, Liu Yinghong's face instantly became very ugly.

She turned her head abruptly and saw Xiao Xi took out her cell phone.

"Who are you calling?"

Is it for Zhan Yu? !

Don't call him! ! ! She still wants to live a good life and celebrate the New Year in one piece! !

"Give the tow truck, you seem to be frightened, can you still drive back?"

So it wasn't for the boss!

Liu Yinghong breathed a sigh of relief, looked down, her hands were still trembling, she tried her best to calm down, and said with a smile: "Okay, there's no need to fight, it's fine, I'll just drive to the 4S shop!"

The phone number of Nima's car is from the company. If the tow truck contacts, it will definitely call the company phone, and it will all be exposed! ! !

"Ah? Okay, Miss Yinghong?"

Xia Xi was a little worried, something would happen to Liu Yinghong in this state, right?

"No, nothing, get in the car!"

In short, no matter what, the BOSS must not know that she was driving Xiaoxi into a car accident! !

Absolutely not! ! !

Liu Yinghong took a deep breath, put the car in gear, and reversed the car steadily.

It wasn't until she drove into the 4S store that Liu Yinghong smiled: "Look, I said it's all right!"

"By the way, don't tell the boss about this!"

"Well, don't worry, Miss Yinghong!"

Hearing this, Liu Yinghong's heart has finally settled down in her stomach.

Well, the alarm is off, safe!

Liu Yinghong was very grateful for her life.

Xia Xi didn't think too much, the two sat in the rest area of ​​the 4S shop and waited.

Xia Xi wore a hat with a mask, and her dark eyes looked at the TV in front of her from under the brim of the hat.

A promotional video of another world is playing inside, which is the one shot by Su.

"This game is well done. I only played it the other day after watching this video. The operation is very smooth!"

"Yeah, I'll go play when I get back."

Several people whispered.

Liu Yinghong didn't know Su Mi, so naturally she didn't react, but some people reacted violently.

"Oh, let me go, isn't this girl Nan Shao likes?"

"Hahaha, yeah? Young Master Nan likes this one?? Queen's??"

"Isn't it? Now I have followed the online game from Dongjing to another world, and I confess my love every day on the other world channel!!"

Confession? ?

Xia Xi twitched the corners of her mouth silently, she gave Qin Fang her own account in another world, is Nan Guanlin professing to Qin Fang every day? ! !

No, the picture is too beautiful, she dare not imagine...

"Yes, Nan Shao also said that if you want to invest in the Su family, you must make her popular no matter what!!"

"Haha, this girl is definitely lucky, but she looks pretty good, look at that domineering little eyes, it makes people inexplicably have a desire to conquer!"

"Yeah, if this is thrown into the sofa in the private room, it will be so cool!"

"Hey, yes, I don't know if Nan Shao can bear it or not!!"

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