All kinds of unpleasant sounds made the people in the VIP rest area frown, and Liu Yinghong rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Xiaoxi, don't listen to their nonsense!"

Liu Yinghong pulled Xia Xi over, we Xiao Xi is still a child, we can't be influenced by you! !


Xia Xi lowered her hat, glanced back from the corner of the eye, and remembered the appearance of the two of them.

"Brother, your car is ready."

The receptionist delivered the car keys, Xia Xi watched the two of them talk and leave with a smile, and soon after, a Chevrolet off-roader drove by the floor-to-ceiling glass window, the license plate number SYC888.

Xia Xi hooked the corner of her mouth, turned her head, and continued watching TV.

"But the Su family really found a good artist. If this Su Mi is placed in Huayu, he must be a popular newcomer by now."

"Sister Yinghong? Am I not a popular newcomer?"

Liu Yinghong chuckled, and said awkwardly: "Stinky boy, have you learned to be jealous now?? You are a man, but she is a woman. Girls always get popular faster than men, but they also die sooner!"

Girls will always eat their youth, but men can act until they grow old. This is the difference.

"Sister Yinghong, I will be so popular!"

Xia Xi lowered her voice, leaned over gently, her whole body gathered around Liu Yinghong, and her hair stood on end in shock.

Grass, stinky boy, he is already so strong and emotional before he is an adult! !

Tsk tsk, how handsome!

"Cough, please, please, be humble!!"

Liu Yinghong blushed slightly, but the young man who leaned over chuckled and stared at her with dark eyes.

"Sister Yinghong blushed, like a young girl in love."


This kid actually picked her up now! ! !

No big or small! !

Liu Yinghong was angry, but she couldn't get angry at Xia Xi's handsome face. She could only grunt and continue watching TV.

But Xia Xi turned her head and glanced at the Chevrolet off-road that was galloping away.

Want to taste the taste of sumi?

Xia Xi hehe, slowly raised her fist and shook it slightly.

She will let these two people have a good taste of the wonderful taste of skin-to-skin contact! !

At night, when the Chevrolet parked on the side of the road at dawn, two drunken men staggered out of the car and stumbled into the alley.

"Go, go, go, find Nan, Nan Shao, continue to drink!"

"Yes, yes, anyway, the exam is over, and after the exam, drink, drink!"

The two stumbled as they walked, no one expected that someone was blocking them in the alley.

The dim moonlight vaguely illuminates a graceful figure.

On such a snowy night, the earth is a vast expanse of whiteness, reflecting people more and more clearly.

The black leather jacket outlines the soft waist, and the same style of leather pants clearly outlines the long legs! !

Looking up, there is an exquisite and beautiful face under the long black hair, without makeup, but it is unforgettable!

What a beautiful face! !

The nature is full of enchantment and temptation, in a snow-white world, it is dazzlingly gorgeous! !

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!"

"Hey, isn't this, this, this Sumi?"

"Haha, yes, it's true, it's true, I read it during the day, and I saw it at night!"

"One, she must know us, we miss her!"

"Come on, come on, beauty, it's fun to serve my buddy, it's not a problem if you want to be the queen of the movie!!"

She was already drinking too much, but now she sees her real self and rushes forward without any restraint. In their opinion, isn't Su Mi this kind of woman? ?

In this circle, there are many people who are easy to get started!

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