The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 865 This triangle relationship is a bit messy

"Has anyone ever told you that you're crazy?"

Zhan Zheng bit his cigarette holder, the fierceness in his eyes gradually condensed.

Not only talking crazy, but also laughing like crazy!

"Has anyone ever told you you're a villain?"

Xia Xi opened her mouth to fight back without hesitation: "Selling pork on the street still pays attention to the freedom of buying and selling, so you can do whatever you want?? Who do you think you are?"

This woman!

Zhan Zheng's face changed slightly, his body stiffened, his eyes were like knives, and he looked at Xia Xi coldly and mercilessly: "Who am I? I can make the Su Corporation go bankrupt overnight, woman, I advise you not to be too naive!"

"Naive? I think you're naive."

Xia Xi sneered: "In the contract I signed with Zhan Yu, Huayu's resources can be used casually for five years. There is no one of them. It is written that I have to sleep with me!"

"You signed the contract with Zhan Yu?? Isn't it Xia Xi??"

Zhan Zheng keenly grasped something, and frowned.

Xia Xi's heart skipped a beat, fuck it, she was so angry that she cheated on her! !

"It's our young master, but our young master is my boyfriend. In my opinion, there is no difference."

"Xia Xi is your boyfriend?!"

Zhan Zheng exclaimed, my God!

Isn't Xia Xi the good friend that Zhan Yu values ​​most? ?

Isn't that kid a gay? ?

How come you have a girlfriend? ! !

Ahhh! ! !

It's a bit messy...

Zhan Zheng really wanted to hug his head, he felt that this triangle relationship was a bit messy...

"Even if Huayu has the whole world, I, Sumi, only spend my own earned money and my own labor income. You say I am naive or boring, even if I starve to death, it is better than living here in filth. The strongest in the world is me, Su Mi's persistence!"

She lowered her gaze and said word by word.

This is her persistence, no matter in this life or in the previous life!

In her previous life, she was a mercenary and grew up in a slum. Her childhood playmates either became prostitutes or died of drugs, but she didn't touch any of these two things!

It is more difficult for a child at the bottom to succeed than anyone else. Without money, all avenues are dead ends for her!

But she still decided to stick to her principles, not to be a man's plaything, not to be a slave to drugs!

That's why she became a mercenary, took up arms, and did legal business in a legal place!

Kill people because some people deserve to die!

War, because peace is needed there!

In her previous life, her hands were indeed covered with blood, but she can pat her chest to assure that she didn't indiscriminately kill a good person! !

This is her persistence!

Boring, naive insistence!

But so what? ?

This is her, the complete Xia Xi! !

Looking at her severe perseverance and bottomless persistence, Zhan Zheng was a little dazed.

It wasn't until the cigarette butt burned his fingers that he reacted with a shiver and extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray.

He took a light breath, and felt that he seemed to need to re-examine this girl named Su Mi.

She is innocent, but innocent and pure, as if there is still something in her heart, very precious, so precious that people want to take care of her carefully, lest the filth of this world pollute this last bit of beauty .

Does Zhan Yu like her here? ?

Zhan Zheng was suddenly moved.

"But my brother does like you very much."

Zhan Zheng couldn't help but said.

"Win a girl's heart, you have to rely on skills, don't you?"

Xia Xi chuckled, her delicate facial features becoming more and more brilliant.

"Then can you tell me how Xia Xi got your heart?"

Xia Xi: ……………

Why does Mao suddenly have a slight egg pain...

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