The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 866 The hole I dug for myself hurts a lot

Zhan Zheng is very curious. In terms of financial resources, the Su family is definitely not as good as the Zhan family. In terms of appearance, he can be sure that Zhan Yu is definitely a walking hormone. Since kindergarten, the gate of their house will always be surrounded by a group of girls. Surrounded by children, they just waited to take a look at Zhan Yu.

No matter how handsome that kid Xia Xi is, he must not be as handsome as Zhan Yu.

So, where did Su Mi fall in love with? ?

Xia Xi: ...

She was a little depressed. The hole she dug for herself hurt quite a bit from the fall.

" you believe in love at first sight?"

"Eh... the kind that loves and kills each other??"

The first time he saw his wife, he knew that he would find a chance to kill her.

In the end, he didn't kill him, but he became his own wife, and he himself was so angry with this little woman every day...

Tsk, forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't mention these things, now it's his brother's lifelong happiness! !

"Falling in love and killing each other??"

Xia Xi hehe, what does love at first sight have to do with falling in love and killing each other! ! !

Zhan Zheng waved his hand: "This is not a problem, the problem is, do you know that Xia Xi likes men?? And my brother seems to like your boyfriend!!"

"Cough cough cough!!!"

Xia Xi couldn't bear it anymore, and coughed, God, did she have something wrong with her ears? ? Zhan Yu likes himself in men's clothing? ?

So, he is indeed gay? ?

"You said Zhan Yu is gay??"

Is there a mistake? !

"Not sure yet, but it should be because I like your boyfriend."

Xia Xi: ...

Sure enough, all the good men in the world are going to have sex.

"So if you can get my brother right, I don't mind if you have a fake relationship."

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows, is that the point? ?

"Okay, I'll try, but I have conditions."

"As long as Zhan Yu can be corrected, any conditions are fine!"

Enough pride!

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth and narrowed her eyes, like a satiated fox.

"In terms of profit, we have to raise 70%!"

As she said, Zhan Yu deducted 70% of her fee, and she will definitely find a way to get it back!

No, now is a godsend opportunity!

"It's not a problem to give it all to you."

Zhan Zheng doesn't pay attention to this small amount of money.

"But my brother, you must not bend!"

"Don't worry, I can't bend!"

Xia Xi promises, but she has no idea in her heart, Zhan Yu likes herself in men's clothing? ?

Hehe, where do you like it? ? Every time she took off her clothes, she copied it from top to bottom, especially the bottom was big and majestic, men would feel ashamed when they saw it, why would Mao like it? ! !

Could it be that Zhan Yu was born gay? ?

That would be a bit difficult...

"Then it's settled, Miss Sumi, I hope we can cooperate happily."

Zhan Zheng reached out his hand friendly, and Xia Xi also reached out to shake his hand. This verbal agreement is tantamount to signing it.

When the real contract was in hand, Chen Nan glanced at it casually.

After all, the content had already been finalized during the meeting, and there was nothing to modify.

But when her eyes skipped a paragraph of the contract, she felt bad.

"Damn it, isn't Hua Yu's boss crazy??"

"What's the matter, Miss Nan?"

"Yeah, is there a problem with the contract??"

Tao Yue and Lin Zhena poked their heads over and took a quick look.

"The benefits of the cooperation all belong to the Su family!!! Oh my god, this boss was kicked in the head by a donkey, so he deserves nothing?!"

As the co-pilot, Xia Xi twitched the corners of her mouth. Does Sister Nan mean that she is a donkey? ?

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