The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 892 Nonsense marketing account

"Mr. Xia, I heard that Ling Qianjin acted in a movie directed by Zhang Dade?? Director Zhang is the guarantee of the box office. Ling Qianjin is going to be a big hit now!"

This made Xia Wei feel at ease, and Xia Zhengran felt even more at ease!

Zhang Dade is naturally the box office guarantee, otherwise she wouldn't act in Director Zhang's film! !

"I see, Miss Xia is extremely capable, and she can be in the front line without relying on the Xia family!"

"That's right, if you can be appreciated by Director Zhang, you will definitely be very popular!"

"The Xia family will definitely make a fortune this year, and will rely on Miss Xia in the future!"

Everyone complimented me one by one, which made Xia Zhengran's heart burst with joy.

She smiled wantonly, as if she was already a movie queen.


Xia Wei was even happier, and said with a smile: "Well, I will give each of you a ticket. Please join us today no matter what!"


After a round of New Year's greetings, a lot of movie tickets were also distributed. Xia Wei waited until nothing happened, and took Chen Yurong and Xia Zhengran to the movie theater together.

The number of times Xia Wei went to the movie theater in his life can be counted on one's fingers, and he only came in when he was chasing Su Qing. Chen Yurong was completely wrong, let alone going to the movie theater, Xia Wei never even poured the water for washing his feet.

After reaching the position, Xia Wei glanced at it.

The audience is full!

Not a single empty seat!

Even on both sides, the corners were full of people.

Xia Wei became happy.

Look, this is the ability of a famous director!

There are almost no seats left. It seems that this year's box office is guaranteed!

After a while, the movie was released.

Donkey Sanpao is about the farce in the countryside during the Nationalist period.

The ignorant people believed in gods, but they were scared to death by the camera brought back by the landlord's young master who returned from studying abroad.

Actors are sought after by others, and ladies from rich families even spend a lot of money to invite actors to come back to have fun.

The rustic plot, but with all kinds of black humor, although there was laughter in the theater, Xia Wei didn't like the atmosphere.

On the whole, this movie is vulgar and vulgar, but it still has an audience.

Xia Wei frowned, forget it, throughout the ages, whether the movie is good or not, it's all about the box office, isn't it? ?

After watching the movie, Xia Wei immediately returned to the Xia family and found a team to start hype.

All kinds of title parties occupy the webpage.

""Donkey Three Cannons" staged classic black humor, leading the Spring Festival stalls!"

"Director Zhang Dade's masterpiece, a classic release!"

"Zhang Dade is riding the dust, can Li Jinian escape the vicious cycle of returning home?"

"How many years ago, the senior brother is still not as good as the current senior brother!"

The title party began to target Li Jinian.

This is what Zhang Dade is happy to see, but not what Li Jinian wants to see.

"Fuck, give me a hand!"

Li Jinian gritted his teeth, and challenged him on the first day of the show? !

The marketing account exploded article by article, and a lot of content was nonsense.

"The remake of "To My Dear Brother" has a very poor cast. The script of the remake is not attractive. With the addition of a group of newcomers, what's the use of the whole show being supported by Luo Ximing?? Ling Haotian also He has only acted in idol dramas, and his strength is not good at all. Xia Xi, who played Luo Rong, is even more bullshit. A newcomer who has never acted in dramas, only showed his face in the national training camp and claimed to be the first-line?? Stop dreaming, okay? What??"

"Xia Xi, a newcomer, is not only incompetent, but also playing big names. According to a certain artist, Xia Xi once pushed an artist off the roof of a building, and was very disrespectful to her seniors!"

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