The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 893 What qualifications do you have to compete with me

"What's the point of being disrespectful to seniors? Senior's car has been crashed! And you want seniors to pay you back. How shameless!"

"Playing a big name, but also teaching my seniors to act! Who does she think she is when she gives others embarrassment at every turn?"

"The artists trained by Huayu, they signed a special contract, why not awesome?!"

A series of comments came out, all pointing at Xia Xi.

Immediately, many people also commented and left messages.

"My God, isn't it, a newcomer is so good??"

"Hehe, this newcomer has been in the limelight recently! He's already bullying seniors before he's popular??"

"It's really annoying, why do you let this kind of person play the male lead??"

"Didn't you do something nasty?? I heard that Li Jinian seems to like men."

"That's right, Li Jinian often gets close to actors in foreign countries!"

"Damn it, is it the legendary sleeping position?? Men and men?? It's disgusting, isn't it?"

"This is simply perverted. This kind of pervert acted in "To My Dear Brother"?? Don't trick the original, okay? It's disgusting!"

"That's right, it's too disgusting. I don't even want to watch tomorrow's movie! I don't even want to go to see Xia Xi alone!! It's so disgusting!"

Comments came up one after another, and it seemed that things related to Xia Xi, no matter whether it was positive or sideways, were popular.

The positive fire is because Xia Xi does have this strength, and the negative fire is because someone deliberately tried to blackmail her.

Such as Chen Yurong, such as Xia Zhengran.

The two hired the navy separately and sprayed Xia Xi crazily!

Of course, even the movie "To My Dear Brother" was sprayed to pieces.

"I saw the trailer, what is it playing, it's so disgusting, how could Luo Rong look like that, it's completely different from the original, okay! It's like a pervert!"

"The acting is terrible! Luo Rong, I only like Luo Rong's performance, and other people's performances are simply ruining the image!"

"Yeah, what kind of rubbish is he acting, he has no acting skills at all! Don't watch it!!"

"Don't look at it and add 100!!"

Seeing more and more people commenting, Zhang Dade narrowed his eyes, and exhaled a mouthful of smoke rings cheerfully.

He can guarantee that he is definitely not the only one who blacked out the marketing account of this movie! !

Zhang Dade is beautiful.

Li Jinian, Li Jinian, what qualifications do you have to compete with me? ?

The curse of your return home to die cannot be lifted in this lifetime! !

"Ha ha!"

The more Zhang Dade thought about it, the happier he became, and then he looked at Xia Xi's annoying name. With a big wave of his hand, all the marketing numbers in his hand were displayed, and he continued to discredit Xia Xi!

It was originally a good first day of the new year, but some people were happy, while others were so angry that they were dying.

Li Jinian stared at the computer gloomyly, getting angrier the more he looked at it.

Damn it, with so much negative news, don't think that someone must be blackmailing yourself! !

"Zhang Dade!!"

Li Jinian gritted his teeth, grabbed the car keys, kicked open the door, and hurried away.

The car was like an arrow off the string, galloping in the depths of the night, and a few dazzling fireworks lit up in the distance from time to time, but Li Jinian didn't bother to look at it. He gritted his teeth, stepped up the accelerator, and drove forward with a bang.

The car parked steadily downstairs of Huayu, Li Jinian opened the door and was about to go in when he met Liu Yinghong who came out in a hurry.

"Huh? Director Li, you, you are..."

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