The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 901 Take the blame for your brother?

Luo Rong stood up with a sneer, put one hand in his pocket, and gently took off his sunglasses.

The night-like black eyes were extremely cold-blooded, and they were full of jokes from bystanders. She gently blew away the non-existent dust on the sunglasses, and then let go.

The moment the sunglasses fell from upstairs, the gorgeous young man smiled and said, "Push it down!"

With a cold and heartless appearance, it seemed that he was not talking to a person, but to a beast!

Such a sick and dark Luo Rong made everyone in the cinema tremble!

However, Luo Rong, who had dealt with Luo Rufeng, turned around slowly at this moment, staring straight at the camera with his dark eyes.

From the audience's point of view, Luo Rong is not staring at the camera, but at them! ! !

Under the darkness of night, Luo Rong was as cold as a god of death!

Looking over with supercilious eyes, they are beautiful and enchanting!

It felt like looking at another beautiful corpse!

He was obviously too scared to look at her, but because of her beauty, he couldn't bear to look away!

"The next one is you!"

A sneer climbed up the corner of the boy's cold lips, and in the darkness, the bloody manjusawa continued to bloom, like the last chanting of the god of death!

"Oh My God!!"

I don't know who exclaimed, and the audience felt that their bodies were stiff, and even their scalps were faintly numb!

After being blackened, Luo Rong is not like a person at all, she is like a monster, and all that is hidden in her sickly body is darkness! !

"I feel like I'm watching a brand new "To My Dear Brother"!"

"I agree, obviously there is no difference in the big plot, but Xia Xi's acting skills alone, it's like watching a new movie!"

"My God, my little heart, it's obviously not bloody, why is it still beating so hard!"

"This movie is so exciting!"

People put down their things, stopped eating popcorn, and didn't even bother to drink milk tea, but instead concentrated on the movie.

When all the obstacles were removed, Luo Hao became the leader of the Luo Ying Gang, and everyone celebrated for him, only Luo Rong quietly left the banquet, sitting on the rooftop and watching the stars alone.

The night wind gently blew the boy's neat short hair, under the long bangs, the hidden eyes appeared and disappeared from time to time.

Those were a pair of clean eyes, clear and ethereal, more beautiful than the night.

"Luo Rong, haven't you turned black??"

There was a faint doubt in the audience.

"The essence of a person can't be changed so easily, right?"

Someone couldn't help answering.

"Suddenly I feel very sad. Luo Rong is not bad at heart. She is doing it for her brother, who is her only relative."

"Hey, my brother is in charge, why don't you run to see the scenery by yourself? It's really sad!"

Many people feel a little depressed, looking down to find their own milk tea or popcorn, and subconsciously take a sip.

However, not long after Luo Hao came to power, Xingang organized an anti-criminal campaign, and Luo Hao was arrested.

Luo Rong didn't say a word, she secretly transferred the property, and then stepped into the gate of the police station.

"My brother is indeed the boss of the Luo Ying gang, but he only manages the company on the surface. Everything in the dark is done by me, and has nothing to do with my brother. Let him go and arrest me, this is the proof!"

A paper package was thrown on the police chief's desk. The slender young man's face was pale. She was already dying of illness, but all of this could not stop the indifference in her eyes.

She stood there like an irrelevant person, speaking irrelevant words.

"Woo woo woo..."

Suddenly, there was a low cry from the auditorium.

"Why is this?? Luo Rong knew that he would not live long, so he killed Boss Luo and forced Luo Rufeng to death?? In this way, he can justifiably say that I did it all, and then take the blame for his brother?!"

PS: Thanks to: Eighteen ♂♀ Ming [Children's Shoes] for discovering an error in Chapter Eighteen! It is true that two chapters have been missed, one is Chapter 566 and the other is Chapter 807. Eighteen will find a way to make it up, and I will notify you at the end of the chapter! I am so sorry! Shiba didn't expect that he would make such a low-level mistake! ! If the chapter has been revised, it will be noted at the end of the chapter, please don't miss it!

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