The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 902: The Blockbuster of the Year!

The audience was stunned at this moment, and tears burst into tears in an instant, and many people cried softly.

In fact, everyone knows the truth. They know that Luo Rong’s blackening was for Luo Hao, and that Luo Rong’s murder was also for Luo Hao. But when the truth was revealed, the dying boy walked out of the intensive care unit of the hospital with his last breath. , The moment they ran to the police station to clear Luo Hao's charges, everyone wanted to cry.

"Can you prevent Luo Rong from dying??"

"That's right, Luo Rong is not a bad person!"

"Well, she can't help it either!"

People whispered, but the movie waited for no one, and the plot continued. On the trial seat, Luo Rong was wearing a prison uniform, with felony shackles on her hands and feet, but she was already terminally ill, dragging the heavy shackles, even walking I have no strength.

She was carried into the trial seat by prison guards.

One by one was convicted, and the judge didn't even pause for a moment.

The auditorium was full of insults to Luo Rong.

"You deserve it!"

"Murder pays for life!!"

"You villain, you deserve to go to hell, go to hell!!"

Amidst the abuse, the young man smiled and his eyes were ethereal.

Behind her, Luo Hao gritted his teeth and looked straight at his younger brother. The hand holding the handrail was so hard that it almost crushed the wooden handrail!

"All the charges are true, deprived of political rights for life, sentenced to death, and executed immediately!"

The judge's words fell, and cheers came from the venue. Everyone felt that Luo Rong deserved what he deserved, but Luo Hao couldn't help crying in a low voice any longer.

"Arong, Arong!"

Luo Hao chased Luo Rong, and everyone scolded his younger brother, but he knew that his younger brother was right, and it was him who was wrong!

He shouldn't have brought Luo Rong to Xingang, and shouldn't have pinned all his hopes on Boss Luo!

"elder brother."

The boy stopped, lowered his head, and looked at him calmly.

Although it is only separated by a fence, it seems to be separated by two worlds.

Luo Rong squeezed out a weak smile, his dark eyes were pure and flawless.

"elder brother……"

Luo Rong stretched out his hand slowly, Luo Hao leaned over with choked up sobs, the weak boy smiled more and more happily, then she lowered her head, held Luo Hao's face, and kissed lightly.

Luo Hao was startled, first he was angry, then shocked, and finally turned into a dull gaze, staring at Luo Rong in a daze.

"For me, marry Xiaohua."

Luo Hao's eyes turned red in an instant. He knew that the only person his younger brother liked was Xiaohua from the village.


Luo Hao choked up, but there was nothing he could do.

Luo Rong smiled, got up with difficulty, and followed the prison guards, dragging the heavy shackles, and moved back to the cell step by step.

The moment the iron gate closed, it also closed Luo Rong's life.

Her path has no future, and her life has already come to an end.

She quietly faced the wall, her dark eyes staring at the mottled lines on the wall, as if she was waiting for something.

She is waiting to die.

The blood at the corner of the mouth is like a slowly growing manjusawa, from a little red, slowly turning into a sea of ​​blooming flowers.

"Brother, live for me..."

With a sigh, the big screen dimmed, and the auditorium was already crying.

"Woooooo, is he dead?? Why such a sad ending??"

"He must be dead, the illness has long since passed away, even if he is still alive after spitting up this mouthful of blood, it is still a death sentence!!"

"Woooooo, so the last kiss was for Xiaohua."

"Luo Rong, Luo Rong!! Woohoo, Luo Rong! Suddenly fell in love with Luo Rong!"

PS: Thanks to: Eighteen ♂♀ Ming [Children's Shoes] for discovering an error in Chapter Eighteen! It is true that two chapters have been missed, one is Chapter 566 and the other is Chapter 807. Eighteen will find a way to make it up, and I will notify you at the end of the chapter! I am so sorry! Shiba didn't expect that he would make such a low-level mistake! ! If the chapter has been revised, it will be noted at the end of the chapter, please don't miss it!

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