The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 903: The cool guy blows up my Palace of Xi!

"The acting is really good, but it's too much for such a sensational drama in the second year of junior high school, okay?"

The audience talked in a hurry, and some people sat silently in their seats and shed tears without saying a word.

In the Spring Festival file when comedies are prevalent, the sudden tear-jerking blockbuster is really refreshing.

After the first movie performances in various movie theaters across the country, the calm Internet suddenly became turbulent.

"Who said this movie must be bad?? Nonsense?? Go to the cinema and watch it before coming out to talk!"

"It's not bad at all, it's super good-looking!! Those of you who scored low on the website, have you seen the movie?? Fuck, the movie theater was full of cries, okay?? Luo Rong is actually dead!! Director, director!! You give Let me come out and explain why Luo Rong died!!!"

"God, I'm already out of the movie theater, and I still want to cry. Luo Rong is so miserable!! I suddenly feel that the sky is so unfair, she is going to die, why should I take the blame for others?!"

"My God, I suddenly fell in love with Luo Rong. Although he is sick and weak, he is really handsome!!"

"It's so beautiful ahhhhhh, I actually bought another afternoon ticket, I want to watch it again!! Look at my Luo Rong!!"

"I also bought the afternoon one!! I want to watch it again, Luo Rong is too demonic and handsome!!"

"For me, Xidian, I snatched the first ticket to watch the movie, and it really lived up to expectations!! Xidian, the performance is amazing!!"

"I didn't expect that I, Xidian, would be handsome playing the devil king, and even more so handsome playing the underworld, so handsome!!!"

Wave after wave of favorable comments came rushing towards my face like taking hormones, but in just ten minutes, this layer of ripples evolved into a thousand layers of huge waves, blasting waves of traffic on the Internet !

"Oh my god, handsome Luo Rong is blown up! Luo Hao played by God Luo is also blown up!! Nima, I never had expectations for a remake before, this time the remake is simply heaven-defying!!!"

"It's really that good-looking?? Didn't you say that Li Jinian returned to China to die??"

"Yeah, that Xia Xi is still playing big cards, I find it very annoying!"

"Playing a big name?? What a ghost!! Xia Xi is still promoting at the entrance of the cinema! He is playing the episode of "To My Dear Brother" with Luo Dashen and Ling Haotian! If you want to play a big name, I, Luoshen, will be the first It won't show up!"

"That's right, the three of them cooperate with each other super tacitly. If they really play big names, who will cooperate with her!"

"What's wrong with playing big names?? I'm Xidian Xueba+Skateboarding master+Music expert, and now my acting skills are top-notch, such a talented handsome guy, even if she plays big names, I like it!!!"

"That's right, my Xidian can rely on her appearance, but she has to rely on her talent. With such a talent, my Demon King's Palace can only match her image by playing big names!!"

"Idiot fans upstairs!! Pay attention to avoid!! Be careful to be hacked!!"

"Damn! I'm such a fan of brains, how come?? My Xidian's shit smells better than yours!!!"

"That's right, besides, I, Xidian, don't know how to play big names at all! I've met him before, and he even greeted us with a very handsome smile and a very gentle back!! Which eye of yours saw my Xidian playing big names?? Didn't see it Don’t talk nonsense when you get there, seeing it can only show that you are blind!!”

The fans screamed with excitement! !

At the beginning, I was worried that my first filming in Xidian would not be successful, but now it seems that there is no need to worry at all! !

My Xidian's acting skills are so handsome! !

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