After finishing speaking, Xia Xi stood up indifferently and left.

Zhan Yu didn't care, just stared at Xia Xi's back quietly, with a vague smile on his lips.

Sure enough, he still cared about Xia Xi the most.

That borders on paranoid arrogance!

Although she didn't know what kind of madness Zhan Yu was driving, Xia Xi still did her own things step by step.

COOL's endorsement advertisement was well received once it was screened!

Especially after the live broadcast of skateboarding in front of the cinema, more and more people flocked to this endorsement advertisement!

"Oh my god, I, Xidian, can actually skateboard, I'm so handsome!!"

"Watched the live broadcast in front of the cinema, there is no substitute, it's so handsome!!"

"Surprisingly handsome +1!!"

"Hey, I found that what I am most fascinated by Xidian is her omnipotence!"

"My Demon King Palace is omnipotent!!"

"My Demon King Palace is omnipotent!!"

The fans' voices became louder and louder, which immediately brought the enthusiasm of the entire advertisement to the extreme.

At the same time, COOL's store is almost full!

"I want the skateboard of the same style as Xidian!!"

"I want it too, give me a set, including protective gear, I want the same style as Xidian!!"

"Give me a set too, the same style!!"

The same skateboard used by Xia Xi in the advertisement is already sold out!

Even the skateboard of the same style on the online store has been sold out!

Many fans were not reconciled, so they could only make do with buying a few similar skateboards first, which once caused all the skateboards of the same series of COOL to be sold out! !

OMG! !

The little heart of COOL's marketing manager was beating wildly.

He has never seen that star's ability to carry goods as strong as Xia Xi! !

After all, this skateboard is very expensive, and with a full set of protective gear, it is already something that ordinary families would not consider buying, and now it is sold out? ! !

What a surprise, what a surprise! !

"How about it?"

Chen Mingde's voice brought the excited marketing manager back to reality.

"Very, very good!"

The marketing manager stuttered with joy, he subconsciously glanced at the meeting room, and said excitedly: "Out of stock, all the same models are sold out!! My God, the net profit of COOL these days can reach the previous six months Pure profit!!"

"My God, isn't it??"

The meeting room buzzed, and there were endless discussions.

"Isn't this Xia Xi a newcomer?? Has such a great ability to carry goods??"

"It's amazing. Her movie and our advertisement were released in one day. It's impossible to have such a strong ability to bring goods!"

"It's incredible!"

People were talking about it, but Chen Ming turned to look at Karl as if he had expected this.

"Do you still think it's not worth giving her two million??"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Karl's face was a little stiff when he was questioned.

This Chen Ming, why did you ask him in front of so many people? ?

Was it to embarrass him on purpose? !


Before he could finish speaking, Chen Ming said: "Come talk to Xia Xi about the endorsement now. With her box office worth, it won't be worth five million!"

"so much??"

People couldn't help but let out a low cry.

"Yes, "To My Dear Brother" broke through 100 million box office on the first day of its release!"

"Oh my God!"

"Is it even more popular than "Three Cannons"?!"

"One hundred million? Oh my god, after this schedule, wouldn't it be enough to make money and wake up laughing?"

The probability of a box office of 100 million on the first day of release is really too small!

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