The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 917 Xidian, I listen to you

"Carl, if I were you, I would go back and reflect on my mistakes. If COOL ends up losing more money because of you, I believe even the British headquarters will not agree."

Karl's face turned red with anger, this Chen Ming deliberately targeted him at the meeting! !

Damn it!

Er cursed secretly in his heart, until the end of the meeting, the anger in his heart still couldn't dissipate.

"Carl, about the ad..."

Yu Yang came to talk to Carl in detail about his work, but unexpectedly, he became Carl's punching bag.

"Do you think that if you shoot a good commercial, you can surpass me??"

Karl pointed at Yu Yang's nose and cursed: "I tell you, you yellow-skinned and black-eyed Asian pig should be born to work for us Caucasians! This is your job!!"

"What did you say??"

Yu Yang was also angry, usually he would bear it when he was bullied by this foreign devil, but today he was insulted by someone pointing his nose, even if he could bear it, the blood of the Chinese nation in his bones would not allow him to bear it!

"I said you were born to work for us, you bastards!!"

"I see you are looking for a beating!!"

Yu Yang dropped the document and beat him up whenever he wanted, regardless of Karl, a Westerner who was taller and stronger than him.

Damn, don't worry about it, just beat him to death! !

The quarrel between the two quickly attracted the attention of the people around them. Although the two of them were separated, Yu Yang was still very angry.

"Hey, what are you doing, Karl is our leader anyway!"

Someone couldn't help persuading Yu Yang.

Fatty Yu was full of grievances, and now he vented all his anger, he said angrily: "Boss leader, he is the leader in the company, but when he leaves this company, he is not a shit!"

"Uneducated bastard!"

Carl spat.

"You're the chopsticks, your whole family is chopsticks, motherfucker, I won't serve you anymore, resign!!"

"Hurry up! The company doesn't need trash like you!! I, Carl, are the best! Of course, we are the best at what we Westerners have invented!"

"What a fart! Ping-pong was invented by you foreign devils. It's different now that we beat you to the north! Grass, what a bull, I quit, you wait, the commercials I made will surpass it one day you!"

Yu Yang snorted coldly, took off his overalls and threw it heavily on the ground, and walked away.

Grandma's, I won't serve you anymore, and I won't die if I'm not in COOL!

I'm going to find someone who appreciates me! !

However, who appreciates himself? ?

When he reached the door, Yu Yang paused.

He has always helped Carl, and he has never formally filmed commercials by himself. The only time he filmed Xia Xi was.

By the way, Xia Xi!

Isn't she Huayu's artist? ?

Just please Xia Xi!

Yu Yang regained his strength and fired the company with great energy, and by the way, he also fired Carl!

He quickly contacted Xia Xi and talked about his current situation.

On the other end of the phone, Xia Xi frowned.


Ha, it's really hard to find a place to go through iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it! !

"Compared to Huayu, there is a better place to go, do you want to do it?"

Xia Xi's dark eyes flickered, and the light inside was bright.

"You can go anywhere, just listen to Xi Dian!"

"Huayu has already developed, and you will be restricted in what you do when you go in. Why don't you go to Su's. I guarantee that within three years, you will get more than what you have now, whether it's money or fame!"

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