The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 918 It's good to be disabled!

"Then, can you surpass Carl and become the No. 1 in the advertising industry?" Yu Yang wants to surpass Carl now, because this foreign devil looks down on Chinese people too much! !

He wants to surpass him, show this foreign devil!

"Yes, why not?? As long as you work hard, there will be no difficulty."

After getting the reply, Yu Yang cheered up and happily went to Su's to report.

For someone who abducted a member of Future Huayu, Zhan Yu expressed great generosity.

And the interview program also arrived as scheduled.

"Boss, we have an appointment!"

"Whose family?"

Zhan Yu flipped through the files indifferently.

There are too many interviews, but judging from Xiaoxi's current development, it's okay not to go to ordinary small interviews, unless they are useful interviews for her.

"It's "Fengshen Duo Kan"!"

Feng Shen is a very popular entertainment program.

There are four program hosts, two men and two women. Their features are mainly funny and sharp, coupled with trendy performance techniques, attracting a large number of young fans to watch.

This kind of appointment is still worthy of our Xiaoxi.

Zhan Da Boss nodded in satisfaction.

"What time?"

"The fifteenth day of the first lunar month!"

It happens to be the Lantern Festival!

That's even better!

Zhan Yu squinted his eyes, very satisfied, and the 15th day of the first lunar month is still in the schedule, so it can be regarded as another wave of promotion for the movie!

"Okay, let's decide this!"

"But we're going to the neighboring province..."

"Go, book VIP tickets, book the best hotel, by the way, make-up artist and stylist bring us all!"


Song Weiguo nodded and left, and subconsciously sighed silently when he went out the door.

Oh my god, you brought your own make-up and styling? ?

In the past, no matter which artist he was, he didn't have such high-level treatment, right? ?

But Xia Xi is also up for it, "To My Dear Brother" really exploded at the box office!

In the future, Xia Xi can be regarded as touching the threshold of the first-line celebrity, and she really deserves this kind of treatment!

After confirming the itinerary, Xia Xi and the others hurriedly packed their luggage and prepared to go straight to the neighboring province.

"Xiao Xi, take this with you."

Su Qingge got a pair of big sunglasses from somewhere, they were old-fashioned, and they could almost cover half of Xia Xi's face.

"No, grandpa, I have sunglasses."

"It's too small, it's easy for people to pick it up and find it. Hey, by the way, I bought you new clothes and went out to do interviews. Don't be shabby!"

Su Qingge turned around and brought a set of clothes, a white shirt, a woolen vest with sweetheart collar, and an exaggerated bow tie. Xia Xi felt that she had traveled back to the period of the Republic of China and witnessed the packaging process of a young master in that era...

Grandpa! !

please! ! That's out of date, okay? !

"Second Uncle, is Second Uncle at home?"

Downstairs, a woman's soft voice came.

Su Qingge, who was packing up his things, froze for a moment, then turned his head and said, "Who is it!"

"Master, it's Lu Mei, the mother of Young Master Su Tao."

"Oh, Xiao Xi, come down to see your little aunt, I guess it's been a long time since I saw you?"

As Su Qingge said, he walked out in a hurry, as if he was in a hurry to do something.

Xia Xi gave the old man a strange look and didn't say much.

Grandpa was really weird for a while, but it doesn't matter, anyway, grandpa won't hurt himself.

"Second Uncle, I haven't had time to visit you all this time. Today, the hospital is on vacation, so I will bring my child to pay your respects to you in your old age!"

Upstairs, Su Qingge probed down, looked at Su Mei, then at Su Tao.

This kid got bigger and bigger and developed horizontally. Seeing that someone was completely disabled, Su Qingge felt relieved.

It's good to be disabled, it's good to be disabled!

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