"Happy New Year, Grandpa Su!"

Su Xiaopang is very afraid of Su Qingge, he can't say why, anyway, since he can remember, he has been very afraid of this old man.

However, Su Xiaopang always thought that the reason why he was afraid of Su Qingge must be because he was a university professor and also a teacher! !

He is afraid of the teacher! !

I have been afraid of teachers since kindergarten!

This is definitely Su Qingge's bad influence on him! !

Because Su Qingge is not only a teacher, but also a university teacher, and the authority recognized by the whole family with the highest education! !

So, it is right to be afraid!

"Su Tao, come, let grandpa see!"

Su Qingge pulled Su Xiaopang, looked around, and smiled very kindly.

So kind!

God, when did Grandpa Su become so kind?

Su Xiaopang was very puzzled, but he quickly dismissed the idea.

Because Su Qingge admired him for a long time, then happily pinched the fat on Su Tao's face, and happily showed it to Lu Mei.

"Xiao Tao has gained a lot of weight!"

"Hey, I can't lose weight no matter what, I'm hungry when I don't eat a meal, and his grandma doesn't want him to be hungry! Snacks and staple foods are all stuffed down like a bottomless pit, it's no wonder you're not fat!"

When mentioning her son's figure, Lu Mei couldn't help complaining, her son is so fat, who is to blame? ?

Look at Xiao Xi!

Born in the same year, they didn't get fat like this! !

Tsk, sure enough, everything said on the Internet is correct, other people's sons are really incomparable! !

"It's still our Xiaoxi who is good-looking. She used to be playful, but now she has calmed down, and her studies have also improved by leaps and bounds. She even acted in movies. My colleagues in the department went to see Xiaoxi's movie and praised Xiaoxi for her good acting. Woolen cloth!"

Lu Mei couldn't help but praise Xia Xi, this was not a lie, it was all sincere.

Su Qingge was very happy to hear that, his heart was full of joy, his eyes sparkled like flowers blooming.

Well, yes, the people in your department are very discerning! !

"Su Tao also took me to watch it, and I was crying so hard. I didn't expect Xiaoxi to sign with Huayu. It's amazing. Our Xiaoxi, this change is simply leaps and bounds! Compared with our family Su Tao, Hey, this year, thanks to Xiao Xi's help, otherwise how could the grades improve??"

"Mom, I've improved a lot too, okay?? My current grades can already enter the key class!"

"Then you go?? Anyway, you can go. If you don't go to the key class, you still have to stay in the ordinary class. How can you improve your studies?"

Lu Mei rolled her eyes, haven't you heard of Meng's mother moving three times? ? Don't know how much influence a good environment has on children? ?

"Second Uncle, you should persuade him too, this kid listens to Second Uncle the most!"

Su Qingge laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, he was so happy!

Their family has always had a good relationship with Lu Mei's family, but in the past Xia Xi was not up to date, and Lu Mei was always polite, but now the situation has changed drastically, and Su Qingge suddenly felt excited to turn himself into a serf and sing!

"Well, Su Tao, do you have any plans for the future?"

Su Tao blinked and looked at Xia Xi silently.

Intend? ?

Xiaoxi said that as long as he studies hard, he will have fun playing games in the future!

But, I dare not say this, not to mention that he is afraid of Su Qingge, if my mother hears it, a violent beating will definitely be inevitable tonight!

"I'm planning to……"

Su Xiaopang rolled his eyes and looked at Xia Xi as if asking for help.

"I think it's better for Su Tao to inherit the family business. My aunt's family is all doctors, which is a unique condition."

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