The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 923 Are you afraid that I will eat you?

Lu Mei smiled at first, then turned around and slapped Su Xiaopang: "Do you know how far you can be from Su Baihe?? Xiaoxi has messed with her before, and you are not her match!"

"But Mom, I have meat, I can definitely crush her to death!"

"Fuck you!"

Lu Mei slapped her down again, sighing inwardly.

Look at Xiao Xi, the one who refuses is handsome!

With a lofty appearance, Xia Xiguang is much more noble and domineering than Su Baihe without saying a word!

Su Baihe is considered a woolen yarn!

No matter how much you jump around in front of Xia Xi, you are no different from a village girl!

It's so earthy!

Lu Mei looked back subconsciously, Su Baihe was dragging her father to sue her, that face was really disgusting!

"Dad, why do you insist that I come to Xia Xi! Isn't it just a movie?? How can she compare to Zheng Ran? Instead of pleasing her, you might as well please sister Zheng Ran!!"

No matter how you look at it, is Xia Xi better than Xia Zhengran? ? Although the box office of Sister Zhengran's movie is not as good as Xia Xi's, and the role is not as good as Xia Xi's protagonist, but Sister Zhengran has Xia Shi behind her!

What's behind Xia Xi? ?

Su Shi is so half-dead!

It's basically one sky and one underground, okay! !

"Hmph, do you think your father and I are stupid?? Xia Wei wants to return this son now! Once Xia Xi returns, tell me, who will the Xia family be?"

Su He is not stupid, he is close to Xia Wei, not because Xia Wei has the Xia family behind him, such a big company, just giving them a little leftovers is enough to eat!

But now Xia Wei is different from before!

Now Xia Wei has regretted it and wants to go back to Xia Xi!

Once they want to go back, the Xia family is definitely Xia Xi's, so it has nothing to do with Xia Zhengran!


Su Baihe rolled her eyes with a puzzled look on her face.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, you'll have a good relationship with Xia Xi first!"

After Su He left a sentence, he turned his head and gave the Su family's old house a hard look, cursing and saying: "This old bastard Su Qingge is still as stubborn as before, I'll spit!"

"Girl, let's go! Let me tell you, as long as we can climb up to one of these two people, and find a way to get some shares of the Xia family, haha, it will be enough for our family to spend the rest of our lives!"

Su He's voice echoed in the old alley, and Su Baihe laughed excitedly from time to time.

"Dad, can I also film and become a star?"

"How can it be impossible? Xia Xi, that trash can do it, so can you! Maybe you can become the queen of the movie!"

"Hahaha, I think so, I'm much better than Xia Xi!"

After the sound gradually faded away, Xia Xi slowly walked out from the shadow in the corner.

His dark eyes stared coldly at the backs of the two leaving, and the indifferent young man hooked the corners of his mouth with a gloomy arc.

Xia Wei wants to get himself back? ?

Ha, what a dream!

After all the legal documents are signed, is there still room for him to return? ?

As for those who want to cling, it's better to stay far away, otherwise, she will let them know what it means to be in pain!

Walking out of the alley, the car has already been waiting for a long time.

Zhan Yu sat quietly in the back row, saw her come in, and gave up his seat a little.

Xia Xi glanced at Zhan Yu suspiciously. No matter how he looked, this man looked normal, and he didn't smell like a gay at all.

"Afraid that I will eat you?"

Zhan Yu narrowed his eyes amusedly, and his eyes were full of doting.

"I'm afraid you have indigestion!"

The luggage was thrown into the trunk, and Xia Xi sat in it directly.

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