The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 924 This is all a routine

Zhan Yu's mood got better and better, and he found that he liked to see all of Xia Xi's expressions.

Angry, calm, angry, enchanting...

No matter how you look at these expressions, you can't get tired of them, but the more you look at them, the more you want to see them.

"A present for you."

A box of chocolates was handed under the eyelids, and the rich chocolate aroma could be smelled before it was opened.


Why did you suddenly receive a gift? ?

"It's imported, from Italy."

Italian? ?

Xia Xi's eyes lit up.

Italian chocolate is also delicious, and the most important thing is that imported chocolate is more delicious than domestic ones, the amount of cocoa is very large, and it is also sweeter! !

So this is a good explanation of why foreigners always gain weight quickly! !

Because chocolate is so sweet! !

However, Xia Xi likes the sweet taste.

"Don't eat? Then I'll give it away..."

"I eat!"

Xia Xi snatched the chocolate calmly, without any mercy.

The wrapping paper was torn off, the chocolate melted in his hands, and the sweet taste rushed over his face. Xia Xi couldn't wait to throw the chocolate into his mouth.

The chocolate on the outside melted quickly, revealing the hard and crispy nuts inside. The delicious Xia Xi narrowed his eyes in satisfaction.

Ah, sure enough, among the sweets, chocolate should be the first thing in the list!

Satisfied, negligence is inevitable, Zhan Yu saw the opportunity, aimed at the wriggling pink lips, like a dragonfly touching water, touched lightly, and left quickly.

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and stared sideways at someone.

A dangerous breath flowed, but Zhan Yu seemed to feel nothing, and licked the corner of his lower lip contentedly.

Even Xia Xi was subconsciously taken aback by the usually stern person's sudden and seductive look.

However, Zhan Yu hooked the corners of his mouth, half-closed his eyes, lowered his head, leaned close to her ear, and whispered softly: "I didn't even see the packaging clearly, so I just ate it?"

The warm voice splashed in his ears, Xia Xi was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously glanced at the wrapping paper.

Four English letters are printed on the sea blue outer packaging: Baci.

"Bacio Perugina, Italian means, kiss."

With a deep and hoarse voice, telling love words that made people blush and heartbeat, and looking at the chocolate in his hand, Xia Xi suddenly had the illusion of holding a time bomb.

Is it super hot, I really want to throw it away! ! !

"Oh, so, you said, should I kiss you??"

The smile on the corner of Zhan Yu's mouth widened, and his black eyes once again locked on the corner of Xia Xi's lips, but this time he failed because a piece of chocolate had already been stuffed into his mouth, Zhan Yu couldn't help laughing, but he still didn't forget to lick some People have no time to retract their fingertips.

"Hey, do you want to go too far?"

Xia Xi was like a stimulated cat, with all of her fur standing up.

"Stupid, as I said, I want to pursue you."

Zhan Yu was not angry, but hooked the tip of her soft chin in a good mood: "I will give you a gift every day, my Highness Xiaoxi."

Xia Xi's cheeks turned red for no reason, and after a while, she realized belatedly, why did she look at the outer packaging of the chocolate for Mao at the first time, instead of beating Zhan Yu away at the first time? ?

In the driver's seat, Liu Yinghong has been able to face all this calmly!

Hahaha, isn't it just the unspoken rules and the unspoken rules? ?

It's no surprise already! !

But there was only one thing that surprised her.

The boss wants to pursue Xia Xi? ?

It's been sleeping for more than half a year, did you realize that you want to pursue it? ?

Sure enough, the domineering president and the like all go to bed first, and then have feelings! !

These are all routines! !

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