The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 929 I'm Getting Married

However, no matter how much Ling Haotian wiped his tears, Zhan Yu ignored him, but took Xia Xi directly downstairs from the elevator dedicated to Director Zhao.

But this time he learned better, he didn't go through the front door, but went directly through the back door.

He didn't want to meet Xia Xi's fans again.

As for how Ling Haotian will go back, doesn't he have Brother Luo, besides, such a big man, even if he is left alone on the street, the traffickers will look down on him!

Zhan Yu was so calm.

In his opinion, Xiao Xi's safety is the most important right now, as for the others... they've already been said to be other people, so let him alone!

"How do you look??"

"It's okay, just some things, go back to my practice."

Xia Xi pointed to the content on the playbill.

"Anagram guessing, and the activities of the Lantern Festival."

Xia Xi thought seriously: "I don't know how to make glutinous rice balls at all. It seems that I have to learn this."


Zhan Yu nodded in satisfaction, but his head was spinning rapidly.

sweet dumpling? ?

Has anyone made glutinous rice balls well? ?

Tangyuan master? ? there such a person? ?

"Sister Yinghong, stop by the bookstore ahead."

"Huh? Xiao Xi, what are you doing??"

"Go buy a book on making glutinous rice balls."

"Can't I watch it online??"

"No, buy a book, and if you want to do it, do something different!"

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and smiled confidently at the corner of her mouth.

She doesn't bother to make things like Biren, so even if it's making glutinous rice balls, she still has to make the kind she likes.

"All right!"

Liu Yinghong reluctantly agreed, but she was a little curious, what kind of glutinous rice balls would Xiao Xi want? ?

Going to the bookstore to buy books? ?

"Boss, Xiaoxi is really serious, she even went to buy books for a show!"

Watching Xia Xi walk into the bookstore, Liu Yinghong couldn't help sighing.


Zhan Yu responded indifferently, which made Liu Yinghong a little confused.

Generally speaking, as long as Xia Xi is involved, the big boss of the battle will usually turn into Tang Seng. Balabala can talk endlessly, why is it so short and concise now? ?

Subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror, and after seeing it clearly, Liu Yinghong regretted deeply, she really wished she hadn't seen anything! !

The big boss is laughing!

Not a sneer, not a smile!

It's a pair of: Our little Xi is so awesome!

This kind of confident and silly smile is so sweet that you can get tired of it! !

Although it is very shallow, it is sweet enough, single dog or something, can die a piece of it! !

Liu Yinghong felt that she had suffered ten thousand points of damage! !

Damn, she's getting married! !

Get married this year! ! !

"This is just one of the ten thousand advantages of our Xiaoxi."

The BOSS added a sentence, directly bombing Liu Yinghong who was struggling in his last breath, and wiped out everything.

Liu Yinghong, rushing to the street...

Well, well, you win, this wave of candy is sweet enough and deadly!

"Hey, Sister Yinghong, why are you suddenly not energetic?? Are you tired??"

After buying the books, Xia Xi took off her mask and saw Liu Yinghong lying limply on the steering wheel.

"Cough, no, I just want to get married suddenly."

marry? ?

Xia Xi raised a question mark on her forehead: "Why??"


Liu Yinghong burst into tears: "This society is too unfriendly to single dogs."

Xia Xi: ...

What happened during her absence? ? ?

"By the way, Xiaoxi, do you want me to teach you how to make Yuanxiao?"

"Well, thank you Liu Yinghong, but I plan to study on my own."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes, opened the book, and smiled brightly and softly.

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