The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 930 Zhan Yu, you rough me up

When I got home, it was getting late, Xia Xi started to flip through the book after running the medicinal bath.

The big steps of making glutinous rice balls are similar, first make the filling, then make the skin, and finally wrap it in and knead it into a round shape.

But if you want to do complex things, you have to learn simple things first.

After finishing the book, Xia Xi went to sleep.

Waking up in the morning, after exercising step by step, she plunged into the kitchen.

"Young master, haven't you had enough for breakfast?? I can make you some more snacks."

Aunt Liu poked her head in, she was very curious, what exactly is the young master going to do in the kitchen? ?

"No, I want to learn how to make Yuanxiao, Aunt Liu, where is the glutinous rice flour?"

Do Lantern Festival? ?

The young master wants to learn how to make Lantern Festival? ?

When Aunt Liu was shocked, she poked her head out of each room from the first floor to the second floor.

Su Qing looked at Su Qingge, and Zhan Yu looked at Songgu.

Xiao Xi, want to learn how to make Lantern Festival? ?

Oh My God!

"Dad, has Xiao Xi cooked??"

Su Qingge shook his head.

Since she was able to play the flute when she was a child, she seldom does homework, let alone cooking!

Although there have been a lot of changes and progress in the past year, and I have started to play musical instruments, but cooking...has never happened before! !

"Dad, do you think it is possible that what is served is a pot of pimple soup?? Or glutinous rice noodles!"

Su Qingge: ...

Can you still eat it? !

You try throwing the tasteless rice cakes into a pot to cook a pot of soup, it is absolutely inedible! !

"But Dad, can she tell the difference between glutinous rice noodles and white noodles?"

Su Qingge raised his forehead, he can't imagine what Xia Xi can do now! !

My mind is full of mosaics, okay?

"As for stuffing, there doesn't seem to be anything in our house that can be used as stuffing right now?? There seems to be only meat stuffing left in the refrigerator."

Su Qingge's mind is full of mosaics, and now it is constantly flickering and jumping.

"Hey, then let her make a pot of meatball soup and forget about it. It's so difficult for Yuanxiao, so don't do it."

Su Qingge didn't want to try it, because Xiaoxi made it, and it didn't seem good if he didn't eat it, but it seemed to be even worse for himself if he ate it...

Downstairs, Zhan Yu looked even more curious, and found it even more interesting besides being curious.

Is Xiaoxi really going to make Lantern Festival? ?

"Young master, why don't I teach Young Master Xia? I heard from Aunt Liu that Young Master Xia never even touched a kitchen knife since he was a child."

Zhan Yu thought for a while, then shook his head.

Xiao Xi said that she had to learn by herself.


Matsutani hesitated for a moment, and swallowed the words in his stomach.

He was really afraid that Young Master Xia would make the glutinous rice balls into hexagonal shapes...

"It's okay, I'll go take a look first."

With strong curiosity, Zhan Yu opened the door and walked into the kitchen.

The mess in the kitchen was like a typhoon passing through.

Glutinous rice flour was scattered all over the floor, pots and pans were in a mess, and many containers were covered with soft glutinous rice dregs. Xia Xi just stood in the mess, with a fat apron hanging on her slender body.

Hearing the movement, Xia Xi turned her head, her white face was like a cat, with a piece of glutinous rice flour here and there, and her dark eyes were bright and moving.

"What are you doing here?? I told you to do it myself!"

Zhan Yu blinked, not only didn't move, but leaned against the door with his arms folded, as if I didn't want to leave, I wanted to watch until the end.

Xia Xi was embarrassed.

Grandma, the reason to keep people from coming in is to prevent people from seeing what I am like now!

She is the captain of Adversary, and she is born to be crazy and cool!

How could a small culinary skill have ruined my aloof image for so many years! !

So Zhan Yu, you rough me up! !

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