Xia Xi froze for a moment. Although she said in advance that she would ask some exaggerated questions, she didn't expect to ask this right away.

Looking sideways, seeing everyone looking at her expectantly, Xia Xi pursed her lips.

first kiss...

"Well, it's gone."

A solid answer elicited a scream.

"Hey hey hey!!"

"Not here??"

"Could it be that I really kissed Luoshen?? No way, I gave my first kiss to a man just like that?!"

"Chongming, why did you call Xidian too?"

The four hosts turned into a carload of ducks, chattering non-stop.

"Don't you know?? Xia Xi's fans call her Xidian. It seems that the image of Mo Wang played in Ling Haotian's MV is too popular, and then evolved from His Royal Highness to Xidian!"

Chongming explained it seriously, and then said very seriously: "Come on, let's take a look at the Demon King's Palace on the big screen!"

On the big screen, the words "Fengshen Dui Kan" immediately turned into a poster. It was a close-up portrait of the Demon King's Palace. Huayu released a limited number of posters with the MV, only in the MV.

When this super-large, high-definition close-up poster appeared, the whole studio screamed again! ! !

Several guests couldn't help but turn their heads. The moment they saw the poster, even Luo Ximing wanted to scream!

Ultra HD close-up!

Xia Xi's exquisite face is infinitely magnified!

The blood-colored eyes are like the most beautiful rubies, the slender and thick eyelashes are clear and countable, and the tall and straight eyebrows fly into the temples obliquely, evoking a cold and enchanting charm, while the blood-colored roses blooming under the corners of the eyes make this charming Brutally outlined to ten!

The long black hair like the night is furious in the darkness, the luxurious European-style robe wraps people tightly, the enchanting demon king is tightly wrapped by thorny roses, and the budding flowers are dotted with the most luxurious demon king, in the darkness In, blooming slowly!

What a beauty!

It's so beautiful! !

If this is Lucifer, then they would rather follow the Demon King Palace to fall together! !

"Oh my god, I've never seen this poster before!!"

Luo Ximing looked heartbroken.

"Haotian, do you still have this poster?? Give me one!"

"No, it's sold with the MV, and there are none who don't buy the MV."

"How did you get the TV station??"

Luo Ximing looked at the host.

Chongming smirked: "Our director is a fan of the Devil's Palace."

Hearing this, Luo Ximing instantly looked at the camera with extremely sincere eyes: "Director, please discuss, I'll stay with you for the night, will you give me this poster?"


The host burst out laughing, and so did the audience.

The host's crazy complaints sounded in the venue: "So, Master Luo, is your worth worth a poster?"

"It's still a gift, hahaha!!"

"Suddenly I feel that Luoshen is about to fall from the altar!!"

Luo Ximing clicked his tongue: "I'm also a fan of Xidian, okay?"

"Hey, how did Luoshen become a fan of Xidian??"

Driven by Chong Ming, the rest of the hosts also began to address Xi Dian.

"Because of that kiss! When filming this movie, I was thinking, if it was Xia Xi, I would really be able to kiss him!!"

"What about me, can you kiss me too?"

Chong Ming pointed to himself: "Luo Shen, I was your fan ten years ago!"

Luo Ximing rolled his eyes: "You can't, seeing you makes me sick and I can't kiss you."

People continued to laugh.

"So Xidian's first kiss was given to Luoshen, right?"

"How is it possible, they borrowed the seat, and they didn't kiss at all!"

Amidst the laughter, a very discordant voice broke in.

It's Lu Jialin.

These people were all talking around Xia Xi, since they didn't show her the camera, she grabbed it herself!

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