The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 936 Get Shocked Every Day Following Xiao Xi

The host was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lu Jiali, and the cameraman also assigned a close-up for Lu Jiali.

Seeing the cameraman taking a close-up of her, Lu Jialin deliberately adjusted her hair, showing a smile unique to an artist.

"So Xia Xi's first kiss must not have been given to Brother Luo. We all know that it was borrowed, and this scene was the last one. Hua Yu is very protective of Xia Xi, and she is not allowed to take the kiss scene."

Lu Jialin looked like I knew a lot of inside stories and came to ask me, and she smiled very high-key.

The hosts looked stunned.

"No kissing scenes! God, is Huayu so strict with artists??"

"Of course, for a company as big as Huayu, the management is quite strict. I've heard that many artists of Huayu have strict requirements."

Lu Jialin changed into a comfortable position and chattered endlessly.

But because what she said was too gossip, unnutritious, and boring, the director started gesticulating desperately outside the venue: Chongming, Chongming! ! Get the topic back, get it back! ! !

They are the most popular funny entertainment program, not unpopular gossip, what's the point of talking about these useless things? ?

It affects the ratings too much! !

Chongming received the hint from the director, and quickly said: "Sister Jialin is really knowledgeable, she is so clear about these things in the industry, but I am still very curious, since Xidian's first kiss is not cheap Luoshen, who did it give it to? Xidian has a girlfriend??"

"Hey, what is cheap?? Is it cheap to be kissed by me??"


The atmosphere was heated up again, and the cameraman continued to show Xia Xi the camera.

"I don't have a girlfriend, and Huayu's signing contract also says that he can't fall in love."

"Well, there is such a rule." Ling Haotian also nodded and admitted.

"Then who did you give your first kiss to?? Boyfriend?!"

Chongming let out a cry of surprise, which was met with roars of laughter.

Off the court, Zhan Yu inexplicably hooked the corner of his mouth, and his mood fluctuated a little for an instant.

He kind of hoped that Xiaoxi would admit that she had a boyfriend or something.

Because of this, the pitch-black eyes looked more deeply at the stage.

"Well, the first kiss was given to the fans, just today, outside the gate of the TV station, those pieces of chocolate, Baci, represent me, kiss."

The subtle pause, as well as the inexplicable voice of the last word, instantly made the people present a little excited.

"Hey, did you feel like you were electrocuted just now?"

"Yes, yes, brother Chongming, I'm a man, and I was electrocuted by a man!"

"Xi Dian is really good at teasing girls!"

"Which one has the best flirting skills, Xidian is the strongest!!"

"Then did you guys feel this way when you were filming with her?"



Luo Ximing took a deep breath: "Actually, yes, I was shocked several times a day, and my brain was paralyzed at the end of the shock, so I became fans in such a daze."

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The host laughed convulsively: "So you were stunned by the electric shock first, and then you became a fan?"

"I always feel that I, Xidian, really have the ability to seduce the soul like a demon king!"

"Would you seduce the soul again if the electricity is stupid?"

"That's right, that's how it feels."

"Hahaha, that's not the Devil's Palace, it's black and white, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Amidst the burst of laughter, Chongming continued to ask.

"What about Haotian??"

Ling Haotian scratched his chin: "Well, I'm used to being electrocuted. Ever since I collaborated with Xiao Xi in the MV, I've been electrocuted every day."

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