The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 947: Damn riddle! (44713 book coins reward plus more)

If he hadn't read the answer in advance because of the host, he would never know! !

Chongming was shocked, just because he is a top student, can this gap be bridged? ?

It's too scary, okay?

"No, the lantern riddles you produced today are all too professional, right?"

Lu Jialin couldn't help complaining: "Lantern riddles are written in such a way that ordinary people can't guess them at all. If this continues, it will become Xia Xi's home game!"

Then what's the matter with her? ?

Lu Jialin was very angry.

"I feel that this kind of activity has always been Xiao Xixi's home field!"

Ling Haotian shrugged his shoulders indifferently, it wasn't the first time that Xia Xi robbed her of all her light.

Besides, Xueba is such a perverted existence, isn't it? ? ?

Ling Haotian calmly accepted this fundamentally unfair reality.

Ling Haotian also nodded affirmatively: "Anyway, I can't guess it!"

"I suggest changing to a common one, otherwise we'll see Xiaoxi's answer, how boring?"

Lu Jialin was still unyielding, even though Luoshen and Luoshen had expressed their indifference.

Chongming smiled: "Okay, let's keep it simple! Next question!"

Dusk (guess the name of the continent).

When this question was brought up, Lu Jialin's eyes lit up, she knew this question! !

Unfortunately, she just opened her mouth to say a word, and Xia Xi has already answered: "Luoyang."

"Hey, I answered first!"

Lu Jialin frowned, what happened to this man? ?

Xia Xi rubbed her curly hair: "Ah? Is there?? I didn't hear it."

She did not hear, did Lu Jialin speak? ?

"Well, Sister Jialin wanted to say something, but Xiaoxi answered as soon as she opened her mouth!"

A host said sincerely.

"Hey, sister Jialin is a step slower, what does sister Jialin want to say?"

"Luoyang!" Lu Jialin was extremely sure.

"I know the answer to this question!"

Everyone: ...


I know it's useless if I don't say it, why are you rushing to answer it by just making a sound? ?

That's impossible to cut!

Chongming continued to come out to smooth things over: "Well, then, the next question, Sister Jialin, is going to hurry up and answer it!"

Heavy rain falls on Hengshan (beat a...

Before the words on the lantern were displayed, Lu Jialin already knew the answer!

This riddle is so common that she has answered it several times just by participating in the show!

She opened her mouth happily.


The mouth opened, but the voice wasn't hers, it was Xia Xi's! ! !

Aww, she's mad at her! !

She turned around angrily, only to see Xia Xi lazily rubbing her curly hair: "Isn't this question too simple?"

Lu Jialin: Grass! ! She should have said that well! !

And this time, it was robbed again! ! !

Lu Jialin was annoyed and continued to stare at the screen.

She is waiting for the next question, and the next question must be faster than Xia Xi! !

Reunion (type one word).

Lu Jialin quickly opened her mouth.


Damn it, Xia Xi snatched it again! ! !

Ahhhhh! !

Lu Jialin was about to explode!

"Can you wait a little longer??"

She subconsciously spit out the anger in her heart.

Xia Xi chuckled: "Okay, the next question, Sister Jialin, you come first!"

Lu Jialin snorted coldly and looked at the screen confidently.

She must answer this question perfectly! !

Kaili are all integrated and Pu is the first (guess a kind of flower name).

After reading this sentence, Lu Jialin was dumbfounded.

What, what is this? ?

Although they all know each other, why can't they understand the combination of Nima! ! !

Hastily hastily! ! !

Program group, do you dare to change the riddle just now and repeat it again! ! !

PS: This chapter is dedicated to [Momo] children's shoes 44713 book coins reward plus more~~

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