The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 948 This slap in the face really hurts

Lu Jialin was completely stuck, she stared at the screen dumbfounded, but couldn't guess what kind of flower it was! !

Fuck, why did this question suddenly dive into the water and become so difficult? ! !

Turning around, I saw Xia Xi crossing her arms around her chest, looking at her with a smile, that relaxed look of knowing the answer with confidence in her chest, which made Lu Jialin's brain ache.

Fuck, Xia Xi knows the answer? ?

No, she still has to think about it! ! !

"Sister Jialin, you go first!"

Xia Xi looked over with a smile, and the smile on the corner of her mouth widened.

Didn't you tell her to wait? ?

Okay, Xia Xi won't answer this time, I'll leave it to you, come on, Sister Jialin, answer, answer the question carefully!

Xia Xi's smile became brighter and more dazzling, so dazzling that even Lu Jialin felt that this young man was getting more and more dazzling and developing towards the brilliance of the sun!

Fucking rookie! !

You're such a jerk! !

Lu Jialin was about to die of anger, and the show fell into dead silence for a while.

They don’t even know how to say something! !

Chongming didn't expect this to happen either. As the almighty host, Chongming hurriedly said, "Hey, Xi Palace??"

"Oh, I'll let Sister Jialin go first."

Lu Jialin: ...

Damn! ! !

Chongming, hehe, Lu Jialin obviously couldn't figure it out, okay? !

"Then Luoshen??"

Luo Ximing shrugged his shoulders with a frank face: "I don't know."


"Hey, this kind of occasion, leave it to Xiaoxi!"

Ling Haotian is even more straightforward, anyway, he is not good at anything related to study! ! !

Looking at the hosts, they also shook their heads.

Crap, I can't even understand the title, so I'm still guessing! !

Chongming could only look at Xia Xi: "Well, did Xidian guess it??"

"Well, yes, but ladies first!"

Xia Xi hehe, her smile became brighter and brighter.

Chongming had no choice but to look at Lu Jialin again, and everyone's eyes fell on her, and Lu Jialin began to sweat.

Fuck, everyone is looking at her now! !

But, but she really can't figure it out! ! !

Horse eggs! ! !

"Sister Jialin, don't waste time, the program time is limited!"

Chongming had no choice but to whisper a reminder in a place where the camera could not capture.

Lu Jialin's face turned even redder.

She was never rushed on the show! !

Lu Jialin felt ashamed and shrank. She looked at the big screen one last time, and could only blushed and said in embarrassment: "I, I can't guess."

"Okay then, Xidian, have you guessed it??"

Chongming breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Xia Xi.

Lu Jialin also looked over, she wanted to see if Xia Xi really knew, or pretended to know! !

"It's Ditang!"

"Ding, that's right!"

Even the audience cheered up when the cue sounded.

"Xi Dian really knows!!"

"Haha, you're right, but how did you guess Ditang? I can't even understand this sentence. Where did you remind me?"

The doubts of the audience are also the doubts of the host. Xia Xi smiled and explained calmly: "Actually, this sentence was written as an anagram. Both Kaili and Li are melted. If you melt all of them, it is Muli, which is Di character. Shang Pu is the first, and the word Pu is wood first, and when Shang adds wood, it will naturally be Tang."

Everyone was stunned, Nima, can flower names be solved with anagrams? ?

"So, this question is really not difficult, very simple!"

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and smiled brightly.

This is the smile of the winner. Pian Xia Xi gave people the impression that he was not only unassuming, but also calm. It seemed that this question was really simple! ! !

When it was Lu Jialin, she heheed and cursed inwardly.


Grass, this face hit really hurts! !

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