In the quiet and warm morning, when the first ray of sunlight hit the earth, the slender boy stepped on a skateboard like the softest and coolest wind, and passed the camera handsomely.

Land calmly and flip!

The skateboard is like a part of her body, sometimes bouncing up, sometimes falling, and sometimes sliding over the narrow railings, making all kinds of dazzling poses!

But what is more handsome than a skateboard is the person who controls the skateboard!

The dark eyes are serious and calm, with a little bit of excitement shining inside, the soft curly hair swings its own arc with her movements, and when she jumps up, the slender body pulls out the most beautiful and tight arc. People's hearts are pounding! !

So handsome! !

very handsome! ! !

The previous advertisements were only broadcast on the Internet or on car advertisements, but today's program pushed this advertisement to the whole country! !

"Oh my god, skateboarding is so cool!!"


"But is it possible?? This kind of advertisement usually has a substitute??"

"Hey, look, Xia Xi really picked up the skateboard!!"

The audience surrounding the TV looked at the screen in exclamation.

On TV, Xia Xi skillfully took the skateboard from the staff, smiled handsomely, and stepped on the skateboard skillfully.


Chongming smirked: "Sure!"

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows, her delicate face looked very handsome!

Come for real, come for real, she is not afraid!

"But your field is not good, it's not difficult!"

Whoa, what a crazy tone!

Several hosts looked at each other, Chong Ming immediately turned his head and waved: "Come on, give us the difficulty of Xi Palace!"

Immediately, staff members brought up various steep slopes and special-shaped tracks, and they were quickly filled.

"Is it difficult enough?"

Xia Xi smiled wantonly, arrogantly and charmingly: "It's so-so!"

"Ha, Xidian, did anyone say you are crazy?!!"

Chongming couldn't help complaining!

Xia Xi nodded calmly, with a smirk on the corner of her mouth: "Generally, people who are not as good as me will call me crazy."


Do you want to be so arrogant! !

Chongming took a deep breath. He had seen countless actors on the show, and everyone was very restrained. Only Xia Xi, tsk tsk, looked normal at first, but the more he let go, the more insane he became! !

But, this person really has crazy capital!

He is a top student!

With a full score of 750, she can get 753, which is 3 points higher than the full score! !

Even a hard-to-serve company like COOL finds Xia Xi to endorse it, and what's worse, they really let them shoot such an advertisement that is comparable to a Hollywood blockbuster!

Grass, these shots are really beautiful! !

Chongming squinted his eyes, he felt that in front of Xia Xi, any madman would have to bow down, because you can't be crazy about her!

"Okay, okay, I admit that I'm not as good as you!"

Chongming pushed away and looked at Luo Ximing: "How are you preparing?"

The accordion has already been memorized, Luo Ximing looks like a campus singer with a guitar on his back, very handsome, Ling Haotian raised the triangle, and also handsomely made an OK gesture.

What they were going to play was an episode of "To My Dear Brother". This episode was later released for publicity on the official Weibo, and it edited the most classic scenes in the movie!

The moment the accompaniment sounded, the accordion played a wonderful sound, and Luo Ximing was completely immersed in the vagueness.

Xia Xi also slid slowly, making various cool moves along with the music.

On the big screen was the promotional video of "To My Dear Brother". On it, the boy in white clothes was sometimes pure and cute, sometimes bloodthirsty and enchanting. He went back and forth, and finally turned into a cool boy playing with a skateboard! !

Ollie! !

Half cab! !

fakie bigspin! !

And then there's the ultimate, chaos! ! !

Grass, how handsome! ! !

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