The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 951 My heart beats for you!

Even the host couldn't help screaming like ouch! !

so handsome! !

so handsome! !

Xia Xi in the advertisement is also very handsome!

But she's so handsome it's unreal!

And the moment when there is a living person in front of you, making all kinds of cool skateboarding moves at super close range!

Your heart will flip with that little skateboard too! bounce! landing! !

It's so handsome that it explodes! ! !

"God, my heart is beating so fast!!"

One of the hostesses couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Me too!! It feels like I've never felt my heart beat so fast!!"

The second hostess also fell! !

"At the beginning, I just thought it was fun to follow others to call Xidian, and then I admired Xidian's achievements as a top student. Now I have really fallen!! Oh my god, this skateboard is so cool!!!"

The two hostesses got together and screamed excitedly as Xia Xi made all kinds of difficult moves, not caring that it was now a national live broadcast! !

In short, Xidian is already so handsome that he can completely ignore work and so on! ! !

so handsome! !

When the last movement was finished, Xia Xi fell down handsomely, and the crisp sound was her appreciation for her perfect movement. The willful young man slowly stopped in the center of the stage, and the wanton smile on the corner of his mouth gradually became gorgeous, showing a three-point charm, Seven points bloodthirsty!

"It's Luo Rong!! Luo Rong's smile!!"

"Ahhh, I suddenly feel that Luo Rong is also very handsome when he skateboards!!"

"Xi Dian, Xi Dian!!!"

The fans in the audience were excited and screamed!

The magic fans in front of the TV were also excited. If their parents didn't stop them, they would have thrown themselves in front of the TV and hugged the big screen tightly! ! !

Zhan Yu narrowed his eyes, hooked the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, he touched his chest subconsciously, his heart was beating violently, every time it beat, it was because of the person in front of him! !

Xia Xi!

My heart beats for you! !

Can you hear me? ?

That rushing voice!

And that heavy strength! !

Zhan Yu was inexplicably excited and emotional, he really wanted to rush to the stage, hug Xia Xi into his arms, and kiss her hard!


What happened to the man? ! !

As long as it's Xia Xi! !

He also loves men! ! !

Zhan Yu kept taking deep breaths, otherwise, he would not be able to suppress the throbbing in his heart!

The throbbing that wants to rub people into the flesh and blood! !


Xia Xi raised her eyes lazily, and spread her fair palms. This time, she didn't wait for someone to deliver it, but took the initiative to ask the staff for the violin.

She figured it out, she seemed to be the main feature of today's show, because Master Luo obviously volunteered to be a foil!

Since it is an opportunity given to her, she will seize it. At this time, there is no reason to be polite!

"Violin, get on the violin!!!"

Chongming was somewhat excited!

This professional host, who is famous in the circle for his calmness in times of crisis, is also heart-beating now!

Really, watching the advertisement and watching the scene really feels completely different! !

Looking at the scene, I really think he is so handsome, so handsome that he even wants to buy a skateboard and go home to play! !

And now!

The atmosphere was so high that Xia Xi even took the initiative to ask for the violin! !

Does she want to play the violin? ?

No, no, no, I should ask, can she play the violin? ?

Isn't that recognized as the most difficult musical instrument? !

While everyone was in shock, Xia Xi took the violin calmly, placed it on his shoulders very skillfully and handsomely.

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