The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 956 My Little God! My Xia Xi!

"At least, you can't be compared by a newcomer!"

Lu Jialin's face suddenly burned like fire!

She is not as good as Xia Xi!

Everything today, even Luo Ximing's words, is telling her that she is not as good as Xia Xi! !

effort? ?

Isn't she trying hard enough? ?

She participates in all kinds of shows, never misses any opportunity to show herself, even at the expense of her body, wandering in this circle! !

Xia Xi is popular only because she is a man!

In this circle, men pay much less than women! ! !

The more Lu Jialin thought about it, the more she became unconvinced. She breathed heavily, and when she looked up, she found that Luo Ximing had already left, and she was standing there alone in the long corridor with a defeated face.


It's defeat. What's the difference between me at this moment and a lost dog! !

Lu Jialin gritted her teeth angrily! !

She will never lose to Xia Xi, never!

"Director Jiang, isn't tonight's show not bad?"

The host's voice came from behind her. Lu Jialin was startled, and quickly hid in the shadow of the corridor next to her.

"Good, great!"

Jiang Mei held Xia Xi's signature, she was so happy that she didn't want it!

"Director Jiang, when did you fall in love with Xia Xi?"

"The oral English competition was filmed on our station. I was transferred to cooperate with it. My God, the English drama she acted in is invincible. I feel like she will get pregnant just by looking at it!! !"

Everyone: ……………

I really didn't realize that Jiang Meijiang, who is plump and plump in his early forties, actually has a time of bosom! !

"That's why the director asked us to interact with Xia Xi more?"

"There is this aspect, but the main reason is that Xidian is really good!! Oh my god, after recording this program, I think I love Xidian even more!!"

"Hahaha, director, you have to hold on!!"

When the laughter faded away, Lu Jialin's expression became very ugly.

It turned out that tonight was really just to highlight Xia Xi! !

What's more, the director is still Xia Xi's fan! !

damn it! !

Okay, we actually use these old people to pave the way for a newcomer! !

You all wait for me! !

Lu Jialin snorted coldly, turned and left!

Xia Xi didn't know what happened outside.

When she walked out of the studio, there was no one outside, only Zhan Yu, quietly guarding at the end of the corridor.

He held a large bouquet of flowers in one hand, with gypsophila as a backdrop, and all the snow-white lilies of the valley blooming inside.

No, it's the snow-white King Shadow Grass!

Zhan Yu just stood there quietly, holding a flower in one hand, and putting the other in his pocket. His slender body was straight, and the fitted knitted sweater outlined cold and hard lines. In her moment, the corners of his mouth slowly raised a soft and bright arc.

"How should I congratulate you, my little god!"

The smile on the corner of Zhan Yu's mouth gradually widened, his black eyes shone brightly, he looked at her almost excitedly, and gently lifted the bouquet in his hand.

My little god!

My Xia Xi!

His boy is no longer the fresh and tender little rookie who took advantage of Ling Haotian's popularity and posted photos on the Internet last year.

Zhan Yu knows that from this day on, his little Xi will be a new little god in this circle!

Xia Xi also smiled, first she was moved and chuckled, then she raised her eyebrows, tilted her head, and her smile became wild and flamboyant.

"This is today's gift??"

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