The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 957 Chasing Me? You are not far off!

"This is today's gift??"

Xia Xi walked over so calmly, every step she took, the slender lines changed into a beautiful arc, and Zhan Yu became more and more intoxicated watching it.

"No, this is just a congratulatory gift to congratulate you on becoming a new little god. As for today's gift..."

Zhan Yu hooked him over, hugged his slender waist, bent down slightly, pressed against Xia Xi's soft earlobe, and said in a low voice, "It's downstairs."

downstairs? ?

Xia Xi glanced down, it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything clearly.

However, she still pushed Zhan Yu away, just took the flowers, and then walked towards the bad habits.

Zhan Yu smiled, turned and followed.

"It was a good day."

"Didn't you give money to the director again? Otherwise, why is this episode centered on me??"

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes in doubt.

Zhan Yu shook his head: "How is it possible? Didn't you say that it is better to give you money than to bribe you?"

"Ha, this is true, don't you think about giving me a raise?"

"Otherwise, change three seven to four six??"

Zhan Yu narrowed his eyes in a good mood, teasing Xia Xi.

Someone clicked his tongue and rubbed his curly hair, knowing that it would be really difficult to get money out of Zhan Yu's mouth.

"So what's the company's plan for me next??"

When Xia Xi turned her head, the overhead light illuminated her extremely dazzlingly, like a rising star!

"Movies and TV series, there will not be too many interviews. Sometimes, the more reserved you are, the more heated you will be!"

Zhan Yu hooked the corner of his mouth, he had already planned it!

He finished this plan after Xiaoxi participated in the national training camp, but he didn't expect it to be used so soon!

His little Xi is really great!

"Movies? TV shows?? That's fine, but aren't you angry?? I finally brought out the Su family."

Zhan Yu paused for a moment, turned around and locked the person between himself and the wall, his dark eyes were like two pools, looking at her with deep affection.

"I said, I want to pursue you, to pursue you, is to accept everything about you, including your family!"

At that moment, Xia Xi was moved.

Because of that sentence, together with your family!

She subconsciously narrowed her eyes, feeling a little agitated in her heart.

Zhan Yu is indeed a good man!

If she was a daughter now, at this moment today, she might have fallen into the tenderness of Zhan Yu.

But, she is now a man.

Can you accept the love of another man? ?

At least under the lure of Zhanzheng's share of money, she can't do this yet! ! !

"Oh, not bad."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

Zhan Yu couldn't help but said: "Are you moved?"

Do you like me a little more? ? ?


Xia Xi smiled even brighter.

"Want to pursue me? You are still far away!"

After speaking, turn around and leave!

Xia Xi walked calmly and resolutely, like a supermodel standing on an international platform!

Zhan Yu was stunned for a while, depressed for a while, then looked at the handsome back of someone leaving, and suddenly smiled.

The pitch-black eyes were subconsciously chasing after this shadow, and her heart was beating non-stop because of her existence!

Is it too far? ?

Xiao Xi, what should I do? ?

I seem to like you more and more! !

Zhan Yu followed calmly, the smile on the corner of his mouth widening.


Then take your time!

He admitted that he was indeed not as good at teasing girls as Xiaoxi!

But he is patient!

And, isn't there an old saying that goes well? ?

If you are close to the water, you will get the moon first!

Zhan Yu, more confident!

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