The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 958 Just thinking about it makes my blood boil

Walking downstairs, Xia Xi finally saw the gift that Zhan Yu had prepared.

Exquisite pure imported Volvo city off-road!

The burgundy car body was covered with a layer of dull brilliance in the night, as dark as dried blood, and the brand-new paintwork glistened in the moonlight, even the red ribbons on the wheels were not removed in time.

"Not listed?"

Xia Xi couldn't help but stepped forward and touched the car body.

Icy but nice to the touch, thick and luxurious!

"Just made it today."

Zhan Yu came over and gently put the car key into her palm.

"You can change your car. As I said, if the box office exceeds 100 million, I will give you a new car. You deserve it!"

deserve it? ?

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth, this is what she likes to hear the most!

Putting her hands on the front hood, Xia Xi slowly bent down, staring at the body of the car with her dark eyes like cats, looking in through the window glass, looking at everything in the dark inside.

A good car is a good car!

The interior is also great!

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth in satisfaction.

She loves cars!

In her previous life, she liked cars!

Also like guns and booze!

Her preferences are exactly like a man, but there is no way, who made her always deal with a group of men?

"Compared with this kind of car, I prefer convertible off-road vehicles, preferably military ones!"

Xia Xi squinted her eyes, recalling the sassy appearance of driving a military convertible off-road with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on a machine gun.

Ha, just thinking about it makes my blood boil!

It's a pity that in this life, she is no longer the one who wanders in various battlefields and lives like a man forever! !

In this life, she will live a different self!

Xia Xi couldn't help smiling, slowly lay on the car body, and took a deep breath.


Zhan Yu is satisfied with Xia Xi's expression.

Men always like to see a loved one show they like a gift, especially if the gift is given by themselves!

This gave Zhan Yu a lot of satisfaction.

"Go, I'll take you for a ride!"

Xia Xi got up, and casually tossed the car key, as if it wasn't a car key worth 600,000 yuan, but just a small stone.

"Do you have a certificate??"

Zhan Yu paused, subconsciously looking at Xia Xi.

According to the Traffic Law of Huaguo, at what age can one take a driver's license test? ?

Xia Xi also paused for a moment, she frowned and looked at Zhan Yu, clicked her tongue for a long while, and deliberately raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you dare to sit?"

She doesn't have a driver's license, but who made Zhan Yu really send the driver? ?

It made her itchy, and she really wanted to try to reach out.

Zhan Yu couldn't help laughing.

"Dare, even if you take me to hell, I dare!"

"Then I'll force you to get in the car!"

Xia Xi opened the car door boldly, got in, and started the car neatly!

Zhan Yu sat in without hesitation and closed the car door.

In the darkness, the lights of the brand-new urban off-road lights up, like a giant beast opening its eyes in the darkness.

Xia Xi whistled excitedly and stepped on the gas pedal!

The car rushed out suddenly, as fast as the wind!


Xia Xi yelled excitedly and rolled down the car window.

The cold wind of the winter night hit the face, it was bitingly cold, but extremely refreshing.

There were no people on the road, and there were few cars. Xia Xi stepped on the accelerator and drove the car to the extreme speed!

There is a speed limit in the urban area, but there is no speed limit on the road around the coastline. Xia Xi slammed the steering wheel, made a sharp turn, and drove onto Haibin Road!

Woo! !

The car made a roar and jumped steadily into the darkness!

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