On one side is the sea, the sea in the darkness seems to be integrated with the night, the sea breeze is crazily crowded in through the car windows, blowing people can hardly keep their eyes open!

On the other side, is the city!

The city on the 15th day of the first lunar month is as bright as day, luxurious and dazzling, but Xia Xi and the car she drives shuttle back and forth between light and darkness! !

60 miles!

70 miles!

90 miles!

120 miles! !

The data on the main console is constantly changing, and Xia Xi's heart is even more excited!

The super fast sense of speed makes her want to scream with excitement! !

Slam on the brakes!

Hit the direction! !

squeak! ! !

After the piercing sound, the car slid through the curve in a beautiful arc, continued to speed up, and flew!


Xia Xi cheered and laughed.

The co-pilot, Zhan Yu also laughed.

Actually, nothing funny.

It's just that the speed of the car is faster, and the wind is stronger!

When encountering such a thing before, Zhan Yu's mood would not fluctuate at all!

But today, when the same thing happened, Zhan Yu felt excited and happy, and wanted to laugh happily with Xia Xi and shout wildly!

And the root of all this is because the person sitting next to him is Xia Xi!

The heart keeps beating because of the super fast speed!

The excitement of racing was transmitted from Xia Xi to him, making every cell in his body go crazy!

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the pier. Xia Xi had some fun and leaned on the seat prostrably, but the smile on the corner of her mouth did not fade, as if she was still immersed in the aftertaste of the racing.

"This car is okay, but it's really not as good as a military off-road vehicle. That car dares to run on any road, even on mountain roads. It can reach 120. It's really too..."

After he finished speaking, his jaw was clamped, and the small mouth that was speaking was tightly blocked, and the kiss was fast and violent, even more crazy than the racing car just now!

Zhan Yu squinted his eyes, and his dark eyes were fixed on the expression of the person below him. The turmoil of the racing car made him unable to bear it, and the kiss deepened!

The tip of her tongue plundered the land she had never touched before, Xia Xi froze for a moment, but she couldn't resist Zhan Yu's restraint, so she could only passively let others plunder.

The kiss was so deep that it was almost breathless.

It's completely different from the superficial water in the past, so deep that Xia Xi thought that she would be swallowed by the station! !

The sea breeze is still rushing in, but it doesn't feel cold anymore, Xia Xi only feels hot.

The heart is beating non-stop, and the heat makes people restless!

When the kiss was over, Zhan Yu still lingered and refused to back away, instead hugging Xia Xi lightly, his eyes traced every inch of her face ups and downs.

It's really beautiful and dazzling.

Xia Xi gritted her teeth, fuck it, Zhan Yuwan has become more and more powerful recently! !

She couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "I'm a man!"

"I said, I don't mind."

"Then why don't you touch that thing we both have!"

Grass, killer feature!

She doesn't believe that Zhan Yu can do it! !

Inside the car, there was an instant silence.

Xia Xi hooked the corner of her mouth, she knew that Zhan Yu would never do anything! !

ha! very good!

"Okay!" After a while, Zhan Yu was very sure.


"As long as it's on you, even if it's the same as mine, I like it too!"

Xia Xi: ……………

Hastily, can't continue playing! !

With a cold click, he pushed Zhan Yu away, Xia Xi started the car, and walked home with a sullen face.

what to do!

This time it is really completely bent! !

The bottom line is gone! !

Can this be done? ?

No, no, Sumi or something, it's better to put it on the agenda earlier! !

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