Nan Guo's face instantly turned green.

Hehe, isn't this a bit too much? ?

No one here doesn't know that this is their Nan family's place!

When you are in this place, you say that the milk tea is not good, and the snacks are not good. What does it mean to add that sentence? ? ?

Isn't this a slap in the face of Nan Guo? ?

Nan Guo's gaze was gloomy, and he looked at Xia Xi fiercely.

But a certain person continued to eat and drink as if he didn't see it.

Nan Guo snorted and looked at Li Jinian again, he understood that the director really called Xia Xi here on purpose!

However, this is his territory in the southern country, if you come in as a dragon, you have to let Lao Tzu hold it! !

He smiled and said: "It's so easy to come here, you have to play with us, besides, Director Zhang is still in the innermost part of the box, if you want to go there, you have to ask our brothers along the way if they agree?"

Hearing this, Li Jinian looked back, Zhang Dade was at the innermost, and they were at the door. There were really many people along the way.

Li Jinian clicked his tongue, this southern country is so smooth!

I just don't want him to go in so easily! !

Looking at Xia Xi again, I saw that the young man didn't even move, and was still drinking milk tea leisurely. Her calm and calm demeanor also infected Li Jinian, and Director Li gradually calmed down.

"Playing? All right, for those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, isn't the holiday just for fun?? What does Young Master Nan want to play?"

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows, her dark eyes looked up from bottom to top, the tails of her eyes were three points charming, seven points sharp, making Nan Guo's heart beat wildly.

Damn, if this is a woman, I will kill her now! !

Nan Guo cursed secretly in his heart, and said with a smile on his face: "It's a clubhouse, there are only a few things to play with."

As he said that, he took a few dice from the hand of the little goblin beside him, and said with a smile, "We don't have anything in the casino, so let's keep it simple, how about betting big or small?"

Ha ha, bet on size? ?

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and her smile became brighter.

The surname Nan who bet with her last time seems to have lost a lot! !

This time, someone actually wants to bet with her? ?

"Okay, why not?? But how boring is it to gamble like this?? It must be a bit of a fortune, right??"

Hearing this, Nan Guo was excited, he squinted his eyes to look at Xia Xi, and praised: "Xi Dian, I think you are very good!"

Xia Xi shot back: "Otherwise, how can I win you and go bankrupt?"

Southland: ...

Grass! !

Nan Guo narrowed his eyes, scolding his mother in his heart!

If this is a girl, she will definitely be a perverted hot girl, but he likes this kind of girl, but if it is a boy, then it's a different matter!

He snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes on purpose, glanced at Xia Xi's slender waist, curled his lips for a while, and said with a smile: "How boring is gambling?? Otherwise, let's have some excitement."


Xia Xi waved her hand grandly, come on, she is not afraid of any bets!

Nan Guo smiled even more obscenely: "Let's do it like this, let's bet on the size, the loser, take off a piece of clothing, how about it?"

While speaking, he swept Xia Xi's fair neck and her flat chest nakedly.

"I don't know if my Xidian's body is as beautiful as your face!"

Hearing this, the people in the box roared with laughter.

More and more people looked at Xia Xi, and their eyes swept across the slender waistline and slender ankles.

I have to say, this boy looks so f*cking soft, but unfortunately, if he is a girl, he must be awesome! !

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