The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 969 It's okay to run around the sightseeing pigs

Besides men, many women also subconsciously looked over.

They never refuse handsome guys.

Zhan Yu frowned, his eyes swept across the audience coldly, those who watched Xia Xi shrank, and looked away in fear.

Damn, why is this agent so powerful? ?

Just one look can scare you!

But looking at Xia Xi again, she remains calm.

Cao, wouldn't this person be afraid or timid? ?

timid? ?

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth, but smiled even harder.

Just you weak second-generation rich chickens, how cowardly you are!

Just like you, no matter in her previous life or this life, she can take care of everything by herself!

Xia Xi is very calm, because these people pose no threat to her at all!

If you don't calm down, you'll be damned! !


Xia Xi nodded, then looked at Nan Guo with a sneer: "But what if you don't have to take it off in the end?"

Nan Guo nodded and said seriously: "Yes, this is a problem!"

"But it doesn't matter, we have so many people here, can you finish taking off Xidian?? But it's you, just the three of you, tsk tsk, then we'll be watching the pigs together!"

"Pfft, hahahaha!!"

"Light pig?? Hahaha!!"

"This is definitely the most interesting entertainment project this winter vacation!!"

People laughed, but Xia Xi didn't care. She scanned the audience with a sneer and said in a gloomy tone, "I'm not interested in Guangzhu, but I don't mind if others run wild."

After finishing speaking, Xia Xi looked at Zhang Dade in the corner: "Is he participating too?"


After getting an affirmative answer, Xia Xi smiled brighter: "Then let's start!"

After speaking, she touched the blood jade on her neck.

She remembered what the Blood Jade Essence said, after the third level, her lucky blessing time became six hours!

In other words, she can gamble from now until dawn!

It's not a problem to stay overnight properly! !

Xia Xi smiled brightly: "I will forcefully accompany Nan Shao, let's play all night!"

"Xiaoxi, this is so unfair!"

Li Jinian frowned, and quickly grabbed Xia Xi's hand: "There are too many of them, and we have so few, this bet cannot be carried out!"

In fact, he was worried that Xiaoxi would lose.

People from Nanguo just came here to find fault, and besides, as soon as this Spring Festival movie is released, Xia Xi will become a hot newcomer!

If she loses the bet tonight and strips or something, it will be a huge scandal once it is exposed, which will have a great negative impact on Xiaoxi's acting career, and maybe even ruin Xiaoxi's image! !

At that time, it will be very difficult for Xiaoxi to reach her current peak state again!

So no matter how you look at it, this gamble cannot continue! !

"Hey, as a manager, you should persuade her too!!"

Li Jinian is in a hurry!

If he had known that Nanhui would come up with such a bad idea, he would never have called Xiaoxi here. Isn't this pushing a good seed into the fire pit! !

Zhan Yu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xia Xi.

He had seen this young man gamble, that time it was with Nanfeng, but in that situation, Xia Xi still won all the way handsomely!

So although he was a little worried, he still believed in his heart that Xia Xi would win!

"Xiaoxi, abuse them!"

Zhan Yu hooked the corners of his mouth, not only did not stop him, but instead cheered Xia Xi up.

"I also want to see what it feels like to run with a group of naked pigs!"

Besides, with him here, even if he loses, who the hell dares to take off the clothes of his opponent! !

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