"Still small!"

"Then I'm still betting big!"


The cage is open, 2, 3, 2, seven o'clock! ! !

It's so small! ! !

"Xia Xi, win!!"

The boy on the sofa curled the corners of his lips lazily, and said lightly, "Young Master Nan, take it off!"


Nan Guo gritted his teeth, gave Xia Xi a hard look, took off his sweater, and slammed it on the ground.

"Again! I don't believe you are allowed to go first this time, but you can still win!"

She can really win!

Xia Xi looked up to the sky and laughed, with the blessing of luck, it would be hell to lose! !

"I still bet on the kid!"

"Then I bet big!"

When the cage is opened again, 1, 4, 4, 9 o'clock, it's still small! ! !

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

Li Jinian couldn't help laughing out loud anymore.

"My God, we have few people?? No matter how few we are, we are better than Nan Shao, right?? If you take it off again, you will really become a naked pig hahahaha!!!"

Just now you were so arrogant and said you wanted to abuse them! !

What now? ?

Who is being abused! ! !

Nan Guo gritted his teeth angrily, glared at Li Jinian viciously, and then looked at the last layer of shirt on his body. He snorted coldly and finally took it off.

The entire upper body was completely exposed. Although the private room was very warm, everyone was dressed neatly. Only he was shirtless, which made him somewhat embarrassed!

Damn, she lost three games in a row as soon as she came up! !

Really bad luck!

Nan Guo gritted his teeth and said, "I won't let you this time, I'll come first this time!!!"

"Yes, Young Master Nan, don't let them!!"

"You let them a few times, they will go to heaven, torture them hard, torture them to death!!"

"Let them know our strength, Young Master Nan!"

A group of people booed from behind, Xia Xi rubbed her curly hair lazily, and said with a look of indifference: "Whatever!"

It doesn't matter how you play!

She, stay with me!

"I bet little!"

Nan Guo gritted his teeth, damn it, the first three times he was small, this time he also guessed small!

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes, and chuckled lightly: "Then I'm betting big!"


Cage pick up, 4, 6, 3, 13 points big! ! !

Hastily, Xia Xi guessed right again! ! !

how so? ?

Playing four times, winning four times, the probability is too high, isn't it? ?

People looked at Xia Xi in surprise, but she smiled and looked up at Nan Guo: "I just want to ask, Young Master Nan, how many pairs of pants do you wear?"


Nan Guo couldn't bear it any longer, and cursed out a curse word.

Damn it! !

This kid is too crazy! !

How many pairs of pants did you wear? ?

Do you really think you can really turn me into a pig? ?

Think beautifully! !

Nan Guo gritted his teeth, grabbed a random person from behind, took off his shirt, and threw it on the ground.

"Damn, here are all my people, I want to take off my pants, it's too early!!"

"Hey, are you cheating?"

Li Jinian couldn't help screaming.

"Why did I cheat?? Didn't I say it a long time ago, let's play together!!"

Nan Guo snorted coldly, and stared at Xiao Xi viciously: "Stinky boy, do you still dare to continue?!"

Xia Xi also laughed: "Why don't you dare?? Anyway, I won't be the one who stripped naked!"

"Grass, has anyone ever told you that you are crazy??"

"Yes, I have!"

Xia Xi nodded seriously, pointed to the people behind her, and said, "They all said it!"

Li Jinian said it, Zhan Yu said it, Nan Guanlin said it, even Zhang Dade said it!

Nanguo: ... Grass! !

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