Is this just to mess things up on purpose? ?

Grandma sucks! !

Nanguo was angry.

"Damn it, Nan Guanlin, continue!"

Xia Xi laughed, she likes to continue! !

"This time I, I..."

Nan Guo hesitated for a moment, and didn't know that it was time to win the general election, but Xia Xi just won the big one, so he simply gritted his teeth and said, "I bet big!"

"Then I'm young!"

Xia Xi took a sip of milk tea calmly, looking elegant and calm from beginning to end.

She didn't even have to look to know the answer.

"3, 3, 2, eight o'clock! Xia Xi wins!"


Xia Xi won again!

People stared at her dumbfounded, but Xia Xi looked back with a smile and said, "Then this time, who will take it off??"

The people who had been watching the excitement were startled, and instantly shrank back.

Undress? ?

Just kidding, according to this gambling method, it must be a pig! !

Therefore, you can't take it off, once you start, you will end up taking it off! !

Nan Guo also wanted to arrest someone to undress him, but when he turned around, he saw that everyone was far away from him.

Nan Guo was angry: "Why? You won't even take off your coat for me?? You still call yourself a brother like this?? Damn, come here!!"

In desperation, everyone could only push one out and take off their coats.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan, you have to work hard!! Okay, at least you can win once!!"

The brother who took off his coat, as if he was about to take off his clothes, spoke with tears in his eyes.

Nan Guo clicked his tongue and cursed: "Use you to fart? I don't want to win??"

Fuck, he has to win too! ! !

"But we have a lot of people! No matter how small the odds are, we can definitely win once, right?"

Holding this form, Nan Guo gritted his teeth and decided to continue.

At any rate, Xia Xi had to take off a piece of clothing, otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing? ?

However, two hours later, Nan Guo hadn't won a single game, guessing what he missed, it was as if his head had been lowered.


When he saw that the dice was wrong with his guess, Nanguo almost collapsed.

Nima, I never guessed it right once, this is really a ghost! !

"Grandma, who are you, take off another one for me!!"

There was no movement behind him, the noisy box could hear the quiet needle drop.

Nan Guo was angry, and when he turned his head, he saw balls of naked meat dangling in front of his eyes.


Nan Guo scolded, and looked again, all the men in the room counted as one, including Zhang Dade, all of them were naked from the top of their bodies, and they were all exposed! !

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan, if you take it off again, you have to take off your pants..."

As soon as pants were mentioned, Nan Guo remembered Xia Xi's question about how many pairs of pants to wear, and he couldn't help but say another sentence.

"Why, Young Master Nan can't afford to lose??"

Xia Xi squinted her eyes, intentionally imitating Nan Guo's appearance, and glanced at Nan Guo's waistline ambiguously: "The upper body looks average, Nan Shao's figure doesn't look very good!"

your sister! ! !

Nan Guo was trembling with anger, but he didn't want to lose the scene like this, so he turned around and grabbed one, and took off the man's pants.

"Ahhh, Young Master Nan!!!"

Howls like killing a pig resounded throughout the audience, and everyone silently lit the wax for him.

Do you think you are stupid? You are still so close to Nan Shao at this time. Isn't this just looking for a way out? ?

"Pants, underpants...too many, I took off one more, Young Master Nan!!"

Southland: ……………

Do you suddenly feel that the pants in your hand are hot? ?

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