Hahahaha, it's so cool! !

Yes, wood, yes! !

Li Jinian is very excited, this is really a big reversal of the year! !

It's so shocking, okay? !

"Young Master Nan, take it off, why are you ashamed?? There are a bunch of bare pigs accompanying you there, hahahaha!!"

Li Jinian had a wretched face, there was nothing he could do, no one could be serious on such an occasion, okay? !

Nan Guo gritted his teeth, looked down at his underwear, put his finger on his belly button and drew circles, but refused to take it off! !


He didn't feel at all when he asked others to take it off, and he also disliked others for taking it off slowly! !

Now it's my turn, Te Niang just can't take it off! ! !

What's this, this bitch going to do? ?

Struggling to the end, Nan Guo had an idea and looked at Xia Xi: "Aren't you looking for Zhang Dade?? You take it away and exchange me for a pair of underwear, how about it?"

Xia Xi shrugged her shoulders: "Look at Director Li!"

Anyway, it was Li Jinian who asked her to come out to piss people off, and cleaning up Nanguo and the others was just a drop in the road!

So, for her, no difference!


Before Li Jinian opened his mouth, Zhan Yu had already opened his mouth. In his opinion, Nan Guo sitting in front of Xia Xi like this already made him feel extremely intrusive! !

Tsk, why are you hugging your chest and legs so frankly, and a man, why is he covering so white, trying to seduce our little Xi? ?

Don't even think about it! !

Although the jar of vinegar on Zhan Yu's chest has not been turned over, it is slowly fermenting, with faint sour bubbles appearing.

Seeing that Zhan Yu said so, Li Jinian had no choice but to nod in agreement: "That's it!"

As he said that, he got up in a hurry, and among the group of bare pigs, he picked out a dead fat pig without any mistakes, and pulled it out directly.

The scream made Xia Xi want to look back, but Zhan Yu directly covered her eyes and pulled her into his arms.

"Don't look at what you shouldn't."

Xia Xi: ……………

Is Zhan Yu talking about the group of naked pigs behind? ?

Forget it, if you don't look at it, don't look at it, not to mention the figure, with this ugly appearance, you will be afraid of a needle's eye! !

"However, Director Li, how do you plan to piss people off?"

Xia Xi was very interested in this.

Li Jinian snorted, rolled up his sleeves and looked at Zhang Dade who was shivering on the ground.

There's no way, if he doesn't shrink back, the last point will have to be exposed! !

"I remember that senior brother said, if you lose, call me brother?"

Li Jinian narrowed his eyes: "Then, how about senior brother calling to listen?"

Zhang Dade gritted his teeth, trembling with anger!

fuck it!

Today is really the right time and place, and the same is not occupied! !

In this situation, without wearing a single piece of clothing, how could he still have the confidence to argue with Li Jinian! !

Hastily! !

Since I can't resist, it seems that I can only admit defeat! !

Zhang Dade closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother!"

"Hey, little brother!"

Li Jinian was so excited that he smiled and looked at Zhang Dade: "By the way, I heard that yesterday, ah, no, it is already six o'clock in the morning. It was the day before yesterday. "Donkey Three Cannons" was released, and the box office was 12." A billion, right??"

Zhang Dade is somewhat proud, the box office of 1.2 billion is already quite a lot!

He snorted proudly: "Yes!"

Even if I call you brother, I am more capable than you! !

"Then do you want to know, as of twelve o'clock last night, how much is the box office of "To My Dear Brother"?"

Li Jinian grinned, smiling like a proud queen who just regained the throne.

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