The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 978 No Courage Without Underpants

Zhang Dade pursed his lower lip, even though he was naked, sweat was still dripping from his head.

The box office of "To My Dear Brother"? ?

He knew that the box office exceeded 100 million on the first day of the premiere!

As for the latter, because he hates, is jealous, and is too lazy to listen, he has been buried in the clubhouse in the southern country recently, drunk and dreaming, and doesn't know anything about the world. Who the hell knows how much your box office can be? ?

He snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "How much box office can you get when you return to China?"

Li Jinian smiled and narrowed his eyes, like a fox who stole fish. He even subconsciously glanced at Xia Xi, seeing her sitting there lazily, with a slender but dazzlingly beautiful back.

Wang Rui really gave him the best actor! !

Otherwise, how could he regain his place today and trample Zhang Dade to death? ?

"Hey, speaking out scares you to death!"

"Hmph, I'm rough-skinned and thick-skinned, I can't be scared to death!"

Zhang Dade shook the fat on his body.

Li Jinian laughed and said, "2.2 billion!"

"Only 22...what did you say!!"

Zhang Dade was stunned, completely forgetting that he was naked, subconsciously stood up, and walked the bird in public.

Everyone: ………

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

"2.2 billion??"

Zhang Dade exclaimed! !

"Is there a mistake?? 2.2 billion?!! I'll go!!"

really? ? Li Jinian's domestic film can be sold for 2.2 billion? ?

Haha, are you kidding me? ? He drank too much alcohol tonight, he must be over alcohol, or else he is dreaming! !

He said how could Nan Shao lose all night, and how could he lose all the clothes of everyone! !

So it's a dream right now? ?

Hahaha, what a disgusting dream! !

Li Jinian's broken movie has a box office of 2.2 billion! !

ha! It's funny! !

"That's right!"

Li Jinian narrowed his eyes, took a slight step forward, deliberately pretending to be careless, and stepped on Zhang Dade's instep.

Naturally, he had no clothes and no shoes or socks. His bare instep was crushed by the cold and hard sole of the leather shoes. Zhang Dade almost jumped up in pain! !

"Ha, this is not a dream! My box office is twice yours, 2.2 billion, crushing you!!!"

The fact of Chi Guoguo was like a slap on the face, loudly slapping Zhang Dade's face again and again, and Zhang Dade's face was hot, and his heart, liver, spleen, stomach and kidney were aching along with it!

Grass, really? ?

Is this all true? ? 2.2 billion? ?

Did the fuck make a mistake! !

Zhang Dade felt that his face was dull, and wished he could dig a hole and lie down.

Li Jinian's movie box office this time is good, he knows it, but he never imagined that the box office not only surpassed him, but almost doubled his own! !

What a slap in the face, okay? ! !

Seeing Zhang Dade's current look of shame and indignation, Li Jinian was very happy.

Hahaha, it's so cool, it's really cool and comfortable!

"Xiao Xixi, let's go!"

Li Jinian felt relieved, and with a wave of his hand, he walked out of the private room with pride.

Xia Xi also hooked the corners of her lips, glanced at Nan Guo indifferently, and said with a smile: "I had a great time tonight. When Nan Shao is too busy, you can still come to me!"

Looking for you? ?

Isn't that looking for abuse? ?

He doesn't want to be so fucking light again! !

It's too embarrassing, isn't it! !

Nan Guo screamed in his heart, but he lost to Xia Xi. Now he is covered in a pair of underpants, and he really doesn't have the confidence to confront Xia Xi! !

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