The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1004 (second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

With one hand in his pocket, Shu Cheng was wearing a dark blue denim jacket, staring straight ahead as he walked past the crowd.

Entering the infield, the director and other members of the crew began to answer various questions from the media and introduce the highlights of the whole film.

Shu Cheng didn't talk much, standing casually with the corners of his mouth hooked was enough to drive all fans crazy.

"Male god, male god! Shu Cheng male god! Can you sing a few lines of "Wuwen Xidong" live?" Some fans stood up excitedly and shouted at a high pitch. There was no way to calm down, for fear that Shu Cheng would not listen. arrive.

"It's not impossible to sing." Shu Cheng took the microphone, and his sexy and deep voice slowly sounded in the air, causing many fans to scream wildly. Shu Cheng paused and continued, "But I only sing at the beginning, You have to sing the whole song."

"Okay, okay!" The fans agreed excitedly.

Then, the scene fell silent, and then Shu Cheng took the microphone and sang the first line of "Wuwen Xidong": "Whose hand always holds my hand tightly..."

Then he waved to the fans and asked them to sing too.

The fans were signaled and opened their mouths.

Unexpectedly, Shu Cheng stopped.

Slowly, some fans began to react.

"Ah, the male god is getting skinny again. What is the beginning of his singing? He clearly only sang one line."

"That's right, look at the smirk on the male god's face, he's clearly waiting for us to sing."

"Oh, thanks to the fact that I sang so hard just now, I thought I was singing with a male god."


Amidst the fans' discussions, the singing gradually stopped, and Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows at them with pride.

But in this way, the atmosphere on the scene became more active.

Then, the audience began to ask Wang Yifang some questions about "Wuwen Xidong".

"Why does the modern drama part look so unremarkable?" One of the four time points in the film is about the stories and inner struggles of Tsinghua students in today's era.

Wang Yifang chuckled, took the microphone, spoke softly, and said slowly: "I don't think the lives of contemporary people are turbulent, and more ordinary young people face those who don't seem to fight, but are ruined little by little. Our original heart and original intention: For example, your boss makes you deceive others and yourself, for example, the seller you have always trusted can cheat you. If there are too many of these things, people will wrap themselves in layers of protection Shell, smiles are getting less and less, and the heart is getting more and more twisted. In fact, this also reflects the heart of contemporary youth, who interpret happiness, struggle and pain in a small range. Modern people, happy and angry, will To be disrespected is to be looked down upon."

"Then what kind of expectations do you have for "Wuwen Xidong"?"

"We found that "Wuwen Xidong" has become popular before it aired, because this drama bears the name of Tsinghua University, and there are so many excellent actors, especially Shu Cheng who came to help. It has not yet aired, We found that there are actually many fields that have little to do with movies, such as parent-child, who are talking about the movie "Wuwen Xidong", so I believe that it will be a movie with real social influence and penetrating ability."

Wang Yifang's answer received applause from the audience.

Fans who watched the road show gave high praise after seeing the movie.

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