The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1005: Shu Cheng's Answer (3rd)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Finally, the reporter asked Shu Cheng a few more questions.

"May I ask why you suddenly want to take on this movie? And I heard that when you made this movie, you almost starred in it for free at the beginning. What was the reason for making this decision? Consider it?"

"In such an impetuous society, there is a movie that dares to explore what is true and what is the original heart. Domestic movies dare to touch such a theme. Inextricably linked, making this movie is an inevitable choice." Shu Cheng said calmly, his deep and dark pupils tightened slightly, and he looked forward with sincerity and handsomeness.


After a road show, whether it is the quality of the film or the actor's conversation, they have all received very high praise.

Fans who arrived at the scene began to frantically popularize "Wuwen Xidong" on the Internet.

【#无问西东# I went to the road show, and I think this will be a pinnacle of domestic films. The actors have good temperament, good acting skills, excellent production, and profound connotations. It is a rare and good movie. 】

[#无问西东,莫问前前# A good movie’s word of mouth can be fermented in three days, and a bad movie can be tested in one day. I also went to the road show scene. I think "Wuwen Xidong" will be sure in the end It's a well-respected movie. 】

【#无问西东# I have seen the road show, and when the movie is officially released, I will watch it again. 】

[The charm of the movie itself is beyond time and space. The appearance of the male god Shu Cheng is the finishing touch of the whole film, and those who watch it will definitely not regret it. 】

[This is a group of young directors, and the team is rising. I can feel their dedication to this film, and they are doing this without utilitarianism. I hope they can succeed, and I also hope that "Wuwen Xidong" can be a big hit. 】


Shu Cheng paralyzed in the hotel room, the publicity effect is good, this is what everyone expected, there are also some unexpected things, for example, this movie has such a wide audience, not only couples, friends, but also the relationship between parents and children. During this period, the movie also began to be discussed.

If it is based on the effect of the road show, then when the film is officially released, it will definitely achieve better results.

Opening WeChat, Shu Cheng almost saw the heated discussions in the WeChat group of rs Studio.

[Zheng Yi: I watched the video of today's road show, @朱成, you and the director's answers are perfect, the conversation is extraordinary, it really is extraordinary conversation. 】

[Shen He: I think it's talking about the soil. The director said it well, and what Shu Cheng said was the same, but the movie is really good. 】

[Yu Zhou: Shen He, be careful and wait for Shu Cheng to come out and attack you. 】

[Zheng Yi: @沉和, don't be afraid, I will stand in front of you! 】

[Shu Cheng:? 】

[Yu Zhou: Damn, talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there, @郑怡, don’t you want to come out and block it? 】

[Zheng Yi: Ah, cough, cough, well... I remembered that I still have a lot of work to do. 】

[Shen He: ... Zheng Yi see how I deal with you later. 】

Shu Cheng was too lazy to argue with them, and continued to browse v blogs.

At this time, Shen He from the WeChat group sent another message.

[Shen He: @朱智, the mv shot last time is out and sent to your mailbox, pay attention to check it. 】


Shu Cheng opened his mailbox, and saw that the MV of "Wuwen Xidong" had indeed been sent to his mailbox.

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