Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[I think that's it, it's not difficult at all. And don't you think it's strange to edit the clips of many guests completing tasks? I feel that the process of completing the task in the middle is very short, maybe it is just editing. Didn't really get the job done. 】

[Same as above, I don’t think this variety show is any good, why not turn your head and watch other variety shows. Any one that comes out is better than this. 】

[It feels like that, it’s not particularly pretty. And the task is also very general. 】


After seeing these rumors, director Zhu Minrui really couldn't bear it. These events were completed by the contestants overcoming many difficulties, but in the end they were said to be worthless in a blink of an eye, which is too much!

As the director of this program group, Zhu Minrui felt that it was necessary for him to clarify.

He immediately posted a v blog.

[Zhu Minrui v: As the chief director of "The Extreme" since the two episodes, I have an obligation to be responsible for this show. I want to say that all the challenges of our program are real, there is no fraud at all, and we have the right to pursue legal responsibility for some false rumors on the Internet. 】

Another variety show "Dear Challenge" whose ratings are far behind "Extremely Fast" was very unbalanced at the beginning. Its director Li Yugang saw the live broadcast ranking of "Extremely Fast", and hatred burst out in his eyes, but Did you just invite Shu Cheng? If it was really based on the content of the mission and the later editing, his own program would definitely outshine him by several blocks!

Li Yugang clenched his fists fiercely, and vowed to find a way to suppress the ratings of "The Amazing Race".


Based on the good response of the first issue, the crew of "The Amazing Race" began to prepare for the second issue, and the first issue is considered as a pilot film to whet the audience's appetite, and the next projects and challenges will go to other countries.

Also because of the recording, the time was postponed for a week.

The audience began to have some emotions, but seeing that the show was so wonderful, they decided to forgive them, and only hoped that the show crew could shoot a more exciting episode.

However, on this side, the director of the "Dear Challenge" program group bribed a director of the "Extreme Speed" crew and stole the flow chart of the entire program.

Li Yugang looked at the program flow chart in his hand, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. With this picture, and also hearing that the broadcast time of the program has been postponed for one episode, isn't his chance here?

Li Yugang began to organize his crew to work overtime and start filming.


On this side, Shu Cheng and the others also arrived at the new recording location of this episode.

This time, the shooting location was chosen in Madrid, the capital of Spain. The blazing sunshine on the southern European plateau endows Madrid with the attributes of fire, where there are tango, matador, football...

The challenge of this issue is also about to start in this place.

This time, the team of "Extremely Fast" is about to welcome a large wave of young forces ready to go.

Wearing sunglasses, wearing dark blue sportswear, and chewing candy as usual, Shu Cheng walked up to the guests step by step.

After the previous experience, everyone looked at Shu Cheng with expressions of admiration.

"Shu Cheng, you have to let us order this time, otherwise, if you say that you are the first every time, it will not be difficult for the editor to leave the audience with some suspense."

"That's right, can you slow down your pace and wait for us a little longer."


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