Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Everyone teased Shu Cheng, but Shu Cheng stood there handsomely with one hand in his pocket, lightly licked his thin lips, hooked the corners of his mouth, his deep and dark eyes were blocked by sunglasses, no one could see her What are you thinking right now.

When everyone gathered at the scene, all departments of the show were ready.

The guests stand in front of the host.

I saw that the host still introduced himself and the show in that substandard Mandarin: "Welcome to the all-star global racing reality show "The Speed", I am the host Wu Yinghao! This is the world tour of Speed The second stop is Madrid, Spain. Today you will become knight apprentices and accept a series of tests of courage, psychology, and wisdom."

Everyone stood still and listened to the host's words, and then the host continued to remind: "When you encounter a water replenishment station, you must remember to take water, the temperature here will exceed 40 degrees."

"Ah, it's really hot. I already feel like I'm going to suffer from heat stroke." The two girls in the girlfriends group squinted their eyes that couldn't be opened due to the direct sunlight, and said.

"I'm starting to feel a little dry before I start the race. If I start running, I'll be dehydrated." Gao Lingjia said to his father.


Everyone stretched out their hands to block the sun and avoid direct sunlight. As for Shu Cheng, as if the sun couldn't hurt her at all, she stood there indifferently, listening to the rules of the game with a blank face, and chewing her own candy handsomely.

"Aren't you hot?" Chen Wen frowned and looked at Shu Cheng worriedly.

Naturally, Shu Cheng could feel the temperature outside, but she felt that it would be embarrassing to say it was hot now. After two seconds of silence, Shu Cheng unhurriedly spit out two words to Chen Wen. Word: "Not hot."

The corner of Chen Wen's mouth twitched, and it was obvious that Shu Cheng's sweat dripped down his forehead.

But Shu Cheng would never do anything like stretching out his hand to block the sun no matter what.

Chen Wen rolled her eyes, and simply moved the sun hat in her hand towards Shu Cheng's direction. Although it didn't help much, it could at least help him block part of the sun.

Then, I heard the host continue to introduce the rules.

"The first task you have to complete today is that you have to climb onto the ring behind me and engage in wheel battles. According to the rankings of the previous stage, the two teams are on the stage and will attack each other, and the one who lands will be out immediately. Until there is only the last member of the team left in the ring, the winning team can take away the clue card in my hand, and the losing team will also receive a five-minute time penalty. Before we start, please Each group chooses the weapon you want to hold." The host introduced forcefully.

Then he turned around and pointed to the various weapons on the table not far from him, including spears, pillows, meteor hammers, fans, and long sticks.

Then according to the rules of the game, the Shucheng group is the first to make a choice, and what they will face is the girlfriend group that ranked second in the previous stage.

Standing in front of this pile of weapons, Shu Cheng hesitated for a while, and finally chose the pillow without hesitation.

Chen Wen looked at Shu Cheng in astonishment: "Why did you choose the pillow? This should be the least offensive among them!"

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