The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1028 (seventh update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Finally, Shu Cheng walked off the stage amid applause.

The party was still going on, Shu Cheng walked out of the auditorium, and went home first to accompany his wife.

Zheng Yi, Shen He, and Yu Zhou felt bored after listening for a while, so they all went home.

The video of Tsinghua's school celebration was posted on the Internet.

In particular, the speech by Shu Cheng was intercepted by many people and posted on the Internet.

In an instant, Shu Cheng was pushed on the trending searches. After a while, the video reached tens of millions of retweets.

[I said that the male god must have gone to Tsinghua University's celebration. 】

【Hahaha, I actually guessed it too, but I thought that the male god just went to be a guest at the Tsinghua University celebration, but I didn't expect to be the subject of a speech on stage. 】

[He is really a positive energy male god! Such a formal occasion is not stage fright at all, so well said. 】

[I'm going to take out my little notebook again and start writing down this passage. 】

[That's really good, I also think that the most important thing to do in this life is to become someone I respect. 】

[The statement is humorous and witty, and the metaphor is also extraordinary. Although we are not students of Tsinghua University, we are people who surpass the results of chemistry! 】

[After the audience's speech stopped, I felt that the male god's speech was the most refreshing, with depth and humor. 】

[I hope that the major speakers can learn from Shu Cheng in the future. A few jokes at this kind of party can also be quite active, and everyone sounds more comfortable. 】

[I have a bold idea. Otherwise, the male god should make a talk show column by himself. I think just a few words can make people laugh to death. 】

[I will keep this speech in my collection, and I will look through it when I have nothing to do. 】


Of course, in addition to the frantic spread of the school celebration video on the Internet, the first batch of viewing scores for "Wuwen Xidong" have also come out.

On the day of the premiere of this film, it broke through the 300 million mark and won the single-day box office champion.

With such a hot scene, there is almost no film that can achieve such an effect. Many viewers have appealed that it is hard to get a ticket. In many theaters, even the corner seats in the first row are already full.

"Wuwen Xidong" WeChat group.

[Wang Yifang: Congratulations to the 300 million box office mark on the first day! ! ! Thank you for your support and help all the time. Such achievements are inseparable from the joint efforts of all of you. 】

Then, Wang Yifang sent several large red envelopes in the group.

[Wang Yifang: Keep these red envelopes, I will treat you to a big meal another day! 】

Because of Wang Yifang's red envelopes, the people in the group exploded in an instant.

[Hahaha ok ok! ! 】

[I really didn't expect the box office to be so high before. 】

[The main reason is that we took the film with great care, and the early publicity was in place, not to mention that the movie is about Tsinghua University. You must know that Tsinghua University has the highest influence in China among almost all universities. 】

[This box office was beyond my expectations. When I saw the data just now, I went crazy. 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhh maybe a large part of it is because of Shu Cheng's relationship. Her popularity is not so great! ! 】

[But it's mainly everyone's hard work. Everyone has played a very important role. I feel that this time our box office will reach an astonishing level. 】


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