Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

When Shu Cheng arrived at the entrance of the rs studio, many reporters were also hunkered down outside, waiting to see Shu Cheng.

Seeing Shu Cheng, reporters rushed up like a hive.

"Shu Cheng Shu Cheng. The box office of "Wuwen Xidong" has exceeded 300 million on the first day. How do you feel now?"

Some astonishment flashed in Shu Cheng's deep eyes, what the hell? The box office of "Wuwen Xidong" has exceeded 300 million? It is an astonishing level.

But last night, as soon as Shu Cheng got home, he got bored with Rong Junyi and never turned on his phone.

"May I ask what kind of box office level do you think the film will reach in the future?"

"Shu Cheng, Shu Cheng, can you answer a few questions for us?"

Shu Cheng was not surprised to see them talking in his ears like flies. Almost every time he released something new, such a group of media would surround him.

However, the interviews of the reporters this year were very bad, and all they asked were stupid questions.

Or maybe it's because I have been in touch with Tsinghua University for a long time recently, and I can't bear this illiterate questioning rule.

Shu Cheng nimbly turned to the side, his movements flowing smoothly. Before the reporters could react, Shu Cheng had already entered the studio, looking out through the transparent doors and windows and standing there, all stunned. Then, Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and his eyes were even full of provocation.

Anyway, for such a reporter, there is no reason to spend his patience answering questions.

She still has a lot of things to do, and she doesn't want to waste time on such things.

The reporters who stayed outside suddenly didn't know what to do.

After finally guarding Shu Cheng, he slipped away again.

Shen He sat on the desk, and after hearing the movement, he turned his head leisurely: "Are those reporters still blocking the way?"

"Yeah." Shu Cheng casually found a seat on the sofa and sat down, making himself a cup of tea.

"It's tireless. I have to say that these journalists are very dedicated, and they are guarding outside before dawn." Zheng Yi couldn't help sighing.

"But it doesn't seem to be of any standard." Shen He curled his lips and complained.

Shu Cheng instantly approved of Shen He's statement, and sneered, "These are all stupid questions."

"I have a task for you." Shu Cheng raised his head again, raising his eyebrows at Yu Zhou.

"What mission?" Seeing Shu Cheng's smirk, Yu Zhou felt his heart shudder, feeling a little ominous.

"Send away those people outside. I don't have much time right now." Shu Cheng ordered lightly.

"You are drinking tea with your legs crossed, you say you don't have time?" Yu Zhou was indignant, and immediately gave Shu Cheng a blank look.

Shu Cheng took it for granted, with dark red studs on his ears, and said to Yu Zhou, "I have something to do in Mashan, do you have any opinions?"

Yu Zhou was silent, no opinion, no opinion.

How dare he have any opinion?

Therefore, Yu Zhou obediently dealt with the reporters outside the door.

Shu Cheng checked v-blog, and just heard that the box office has exceeded 300 million, she immediately wants to see what the evaluation of this movie is like on the Internet.

【Go and see it! ! The theater is basically out of tickets, and I can't describe the feeling. Really a rare good movie. 】

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