Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Zhu Minrui listened carefully to Shu Cheng's analysis, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he already knew what Shu Cheng's thoughts meant.

He excitedly followed up on Shu Cheng's words and said, "You mean! The other party will come to steal the script! Then we can have a catch?"

"To be precise, we can catch the traitor. This project plan will definitely not be stolen by someone from the other party. It is definitely leaked by someone from our program team. As for who it is, we need to check it out carefully." "Shu Cheng smiled slyly, this game sounds fun, it can even be said to be more interesting than the previous challenges.

"Then how can I catch it? Do you have any idea?" Zhu Minrui suddenly felt like a new village was being revealed, and Shu Cheng woke him up with just a few words.

"That requires your cooperation."

"What cooperation? Just say it."

"After the program airs tomorrow, you need to find a computer room where all the planning team can create. No one can copy the files in the computer room. You can't leave the computer room until you're done." Shu Cheng took it easy. He spoke slowly, his eyes full of confidence and determination.

Zhu Minrui touched his chin, pondered for a while, and then agreed: "Well, yes, I know I did it. And the planning team must also need a guarantee, and I don't want my work to go to waste, so tell them , I will definitely agree. However, how do we determine who is the real traitor among so many people? Is the one who copied the data? If it was copied secretly, then we definitely don’t know anything. "

"Leave this to me. Give me a day. I will personally write a tracking program and embed it in every machine. Whoever copies the file will be clearly displayed. Then the mole can be caught." Shu Cheng lazily leaned back on the sofa, selfish and handsome.

"Okay!!! Shu Cheng, thank you so much!" Zhu Minrui looked at Shu Cheng excitedly. Shu Cheng was not only very courageous, but also very talented. He even had to write a program in a day.

It's really amazing. Zhu Minrui felt that Shu Cheng was almost omnipotent.

Shu Cheng waved his hand smartly: "You don't need to thank me, I just think this game is fun."

Zhu Minrui laughed awkwardly. Sure enough, there is such a talented person who won't even make people feel disgusted by his conceited appearance.


After saying goodbye to Zhu Minrui, Shu Cheng went back to sleep.

To write a tracking program, for ordinary people, it probably takes a team at least two months to complete, but Shu Cheng is an omnipotent system, so few lines of code are actually nothing more than a blink of an eye.

At the same time as usual, "Extreme Speed" was broadcast as scheduled.

But half an hour after the broadcast started, some people began to notice the clues.

Many netizens on the barrage began to point out the similarities between the programs.

[? ? ? What does it mean? I feel like I've just seen this game. 】

[No, isn't this already played in "Dear Challenge" next door? 】

[The settings of the game can be said to be exactly the same! ! ! Even the order of the game has not changed, I thought I was in the wrong place. Why is it the same? Are you kidding us? 】

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