Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[It feels like this is not just a coincidence. It's terrible, I don't know if I should say "plagiarism" or not. 】

[Destroy the Three Views! Look at it for a few more minutes, maybe it's just a coincidence in the first game, will there be changes later? After all, this kind of game is actually not good. Also, the shapes of other people's props are not the same. 】


An hour later, however, "The Amazing Race" was two-thirds of the way through.

The program group has completely fallen.

All of a sudden, countless onlookers poured into the live broadcast platform, and the key words were probably plagiarized from "The Amazing Race".

In just half an hour, rumors and rumors flooded the world.

Netizens are divided into two extremes, one is trust and the other is distrust, just as Shu Cheng expected.

The official Weibo account of "Forbidden Speed" has completely become a sacred place for netizens to criticize.

[This is definitely plagiarism, what else can I say? People's "Dear Challenge" aired earlier than this plagiarism program. 】

[The plagiarized program still has the face to be broadcast so openly, does the country ignore it when reviewing the program? 】

[Do you really think the audience is a fool? The game settings, sequence, and even some special effects are all the same. Apart from the different guests, I can't see any difference. 】

[It's too much, I heard that I liked watching this show before, but now it's fine, the last little bit of goodwill is completely lost. Plagiarism program life black! 】

[I will never watch this kind of plagiarized program again. Spicy chicken! 】

[Goodbye, plagiarism program! 】

[Cancel it, cancel it. It's better to watch the "Dear Challenge" next door. Although this show has been unpopular before, at least it is done in a down-to-earth manner, and it will not plagiarize brazenly like you. Is it just to bully people with low traffic and few fans? 】


When such a thing happened, there are actually very few people who really believe in this "Ford" program. Most of the people who choose to believe are die-hard fans of the program, and they are unwilling to doubt the program they love deeply.

[Can everyone calm down and think about it? The two programs were only aired the day before and after. It's impossible to shoot everything in "The Extreme" in one day, and edit it? Obviously it was the last time the male god Shu Cheng went out to Spain to shoot. 】

[Maybe "Dear Challenge" copied "Extreme Speed"? 】

[Hehe, why did we copy them? ? I think maybe some programs felt guilty after plagiarizing, so they rushed to play it in front of them. 】

[Originally, the filming ability of "The Extreme" is obvious to all! "Dear Challenge" has always been lukewarm, how can you think of such an interesting game all of a sudden, do you think it is possible? And it's such a coincidence that the game planning of the two shows is exactly the same. 】

[I'm still on "The Extremely Fast Forward"! ! How could such a good show be plagiarized, and the trolls are also trolling, so there is nothing to complain about! hehe! 】

[Explode in place, those who say we plagiarized, open your 24k dog eyes wide to see who plagiarized shamelessly and broadcast it first! 】


Things continue to ferment.

Li Yugang, the director of "Dear Challenge", watched the program group of "Extreme Speed" besieged by so many netizens, and he was extremely proud.

He was wearing a neat suit and a dignified look.

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