Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

It seems that netizens are still on their side.

He made a phone call, a dim light was turned on in the room, his voice was lazily leaning on the chair, his figure was hidden in the darkness under the dim light.

"The effect this time is good. The money has already been transferred to your account. Pay attention to check." Li Yugang took a puff of cigarette and said unhurriedly.

"Yeah, okay, thank you." It was a female voice, with a humble tone, and said something to Li Yugang.

Li Yugang raised the corners of his mouth in the dark, and a sinister light flashed in his eyes, and then said: "Look at the situation, I will look for you again in the next issue if I need it."

The other party was silent for a while, as if hesitating for something.

"What? Don't you want money?" Li Yugang frowned unhappily when he saw the other party's hesitation, and asked in a cold voice.

"Okay." The other party replied cautiously, and then quickly hung up the phone.


On the second day after the incident, the official Weibo account of "Fordward Speed" has not responded yet.

This time, netizens have completely determined that "The Extreme" is a guilty conscience.

On the other hand, the official Weibo of "Dear Challenge" actually stood up and made a statement at the first time.

[Dear challenge v: Thank you for the support of all netizens. We have always held a zero-tolerance attitude towards plagiarism. Although some programs were more popular than us in the past, our program group finally ushered in catching up with the spirit of hard work and continuous forging ahead, but the fruits of our labor were stolen by some shameless villains. 】

Many netizens had the attitude of watching a movie before.

This time, the official Weibo account of one program came forward to clarify, and one program did not respond at all.

This made people feel very unreasonable.

[It seems that "The Extreme" is really plagiarized, otherwise it would not have come forward and clarified it now. 】

[Yeah, I must be guilty. If there is no plagiarism, I definitely won't come out to clarify it until now. 】

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Shu Cheng male god is also in this show, will he be affected by this show! ! I feel that the guests should be ignorant of these things, please stay rational and don't target celebrities. 】

[Oh my God, I really don't want to believe it, but I always feel that there is a feeling of facts in front of me, which makes me unable to refute it. 】

[So sad, why do you want to plagiarize, what I hate the most is plagiarism. Obsessed with this show all my life. 】

[It was originally a fan, but now the fan has turned black, sorry, plagiarism is not allowed. 】

[Plagiarism is not allowed! 】

[Plagiarism is not allowed! 】


At the same time, Shu Cheng also started to write his own program.

He first edited the framework of the entire script, then added various input and output statements, and traversed the entire program. The entire process took about ten minutes.

Ordinary people may not even be able to write the beginning of the frame in ten minutes.

Shu Cheng unplugged the USB flash drive from the computer, and then started walking towards the show.

Shu Cheng dexterously walked into the computer room, and uploaded the tracking program he had written to each computer at the fastest speed. As long as the computer was turned on, the program would start, no matter who called up any tracking program on the computer. The data will be recorded one by one.

It is only a matter of time before the traitor is caught.

Just when Shu Cheng finished the last computer test, he received a text message from Zhu Minrui.

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