Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Why panic, if you do something over there, I will naturally receive it here." Shu Cheng said confidently.

"Can you detect it here?" Zhu Minrui was a little surprised, thinking that after everyone left, he would check it computer by computer.

"The program I wrote is naturally more advanced." Shu Cheng raised his head slightly, very proud.

Zhu Minrui: "..." Yes, yes, you are very strong.

Shu Cheng was chewing candy leisurely, chatting with her daughter-in-law on WeChat.

[Rong Junyi: What are you busy with? Have you eaten? 】

[Shu Cheng: Just thinking about you makes me feel full. 】

[Rong Junyi: Eat on time. 】

Shu Cheng raised her eyebrows and chuckled, her daughter-in-law really cared too much about herself, but well, this feeling is not bad.

[Shu Cheng: Okay, what my wife said is right. But now I'm busy catching moles. 】

[Rong Junyi: Yes. 】

[Shu Cheng: I like the game of cat and mouse. If I catch that mouse, watch how I play with him. [/Sinister laugh]]

[Rong Junyi: Tell me how many people you want. 】

Rong Junyi looked at Shu Cheng's words, and quickly said these words, how could his youth be bullied by others? Since the boy wanted to be a cat, it was natural to give her a pair of sharp claws.

[Shu Cheng: Oh, I love you so much, daughter-in-law. As long as you understand me, I will find you when I need someone. 】

[Rong Junyi: Come back early. 】

[Shu Cheng: [/seduce] I know, I know. 】


While the two were still flirting, the tracking system configured by Shu Cheng sent out an alarm.

really! Someone is copying resources!

Shu Cheng narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and finally sat up lazily from the sofa, and shouted to Zhu Minrui unhurriedly: "The other party has made a move, check the surveillance, the person in front of computer No. 15 who is it."

Zhu Minrui panicked when he heard what Shu Cheng said, and rushed to the monitor excitedly, and began to look for the location of the No. 15 computer.

Then, Zhu Minrui easily identified the identity of that person.

Shu Cheng's eyes were tightly locked on Zhu Minrui's body, and he didn't move over to look at him, just waiting for Zhu Minrui to tell him the answer.

"So it's her!!" Zhu Minrui's tone was somewhat shocked, but after a few seconds, he showed an expected expression.

Shu Cheng thought Zhu Minrui's reaction was very interesting, hooked the corners of his mouth, and said lightly, "Why?"

"It's her!" Zhu Minrui pointed to the woman on the monitor screen, and continued, "This woman is called Li Lingshi, and she is a director of the program group. Some time ago, she said that she had difficulties at home, and asked our program group to give her some money in advance." Monthly salary. I think she is probably very short of money now, so it is not surprising that she did such a thing. "

"It seems that the other party is determined to spend a lot of money." Shu Cheng chewed the candy, the dark red earrings were set off by the faint light from the monitoring screen, showing a bit of sternness.

"Then don't wait for anything now! I'll go down and confront her immediately, and then fire this person!" Zhu Minrui was full of anger and excitement, and finally knew who the person who betrayed the program team was!

"Wait, don't worry." Shu Cheng blocked Zhu Minrui's way, stood in front of him, and spoke unhurriedly.

Zhu Minrui looked at Shu Cheng suspiciously: "What are you waiting for? If you wait any longer, she will hand over the things."

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