The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1039 (second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"It's just to let them make a deal." Shu Cheng glanced at Zhu Minrui with disgust, always thinking that this person is usually quite smart, why can't he calm down and think about it when it comes to a critical moment.

The young man sighed silently, IQ still needs to evolve a bit!

"The current evidence is not enough. We have to wait until the two of them deal with each other face to face. Then we will have enough evidence, understand?"

After hearing what Shu Cheng said, Zhu Minrui immediately calmed down as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on his head. Shu Cheng was right, and the current evidence is simply not enough.

"You're right, it's a good thing you reminded me, otherwise I would have rushed over to find him." Zhu Minrui smiled awkwardly and scratched his head.

"Well, now that I know, I've been staring at her for the past few days. I think this woman will take the initiative to find a buyer tonight because of the long night and dreams." Shu Cheng glanced at the monitor and said.

"Okay! Then I'm optimistic about her!" Zhu Minrui nodded firmly.

As night fell.

Shu Cheng also asked Rong Junyi to send a few people over.

The colleagues in the planning team finished planning the game and finally went back to rest. They have been really busy these few days.

However, Li Lingshi didn't look tired at all, and she wasn't too busy resting. After walking out of the computer room, she came to an underground coffee shop instead of her own home.

This coffee shop was built on the basement floor, and the not-so-bright light shone on everyone's face. The obvious alternation of light made the face look more three-dimensional and the facial features more profound.

Li Lingshi looked back a few times to make sure that no one noticed her whereabouts, took a deep breath, and walked in.

She found a seat in the corner and sat down, raising her hand from time to time to notice the time, frowning slightly, the other party seemed to be late.

Shu Cheng took Zhu Minrui and a few bodyguards, and sat down in Li Lingshi's blind spot.

Shu Chengsi opened a candy and enjoyed it, squinting her eyes, waiting for the person who traded with Li Lingshi to appear. She has already learned about the situation of the crew of "Dear Challenge" in advance, and if it is as expected, the person who traded with Li Lingshi That person should be the director of the crew,

As time passed by as the notes flowed in the coffee shop, all kinds of embarrassing transactions emerged under the silence.

Shu Cheng's posture is detached and refined, handsome and arrogant, with eyes like a cheetah, quietly waiting for the prey to take the bait.

Sure enough, Li Yugang really came.

His actions were also very cautious, as if he waited outside for a while, and then sneaked in when no one was paying attention.

After the two met, there was not much expression on their faces. Li Lingshi's expression was very stiff probably because of nervousness.

After communicating for a while, Li Lingshi began to take out her USB flash drive from the bag.

There was a sly gleam in Shu Cheng's eyes.

She waved her hand handsomely, and ordered to the tall bodyguards beside her, "Action!"


Those bodyguards heard the order and surrounded Li Lingshi and Li Yugang as quickly as possible. This time, the whole process will be recorded as evidence.

Quickly, without muddling.

The bodyguards surrounded them, and the boy walked forward unhurriedly.

Although she is good at skills, it is really not worth it to fight for such a person. Let the bodyguard do this kind of tiring work.

With one hand in his pocket, Shu Cheng stood there incomparably handsome, and glanced coldly at the two people, with a smile on his lips, but it made people daunting.

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