Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

When the two of them saw so many people, they were shocked immediately, and they didn't expect such a situation at all.

When the people in the cafe saw such a few big men, they all avoided them, not daring to step forward to stop them.

"You... who are you??" Li Yugang pointed at the tough guys in front of him with a trembling voice, speaking incoherently.

"Your transaction just now has been recorded." The bodyguard followed Shu Cheng's instructions and spoke to them.

Then, one of the bodyguards stretched out his hand, snatched the USB flash drive from Li Yugang's hand, raised his hand and said, "This is the evidence."

"What a deal! You are robbing, return the things to me quickly!" Li Yugang shouted excitedly as he watched the USB flash drive fall into someone else's mobile phone.

Zhu Minrui and Shu Cheng stepped forward at this time.

When Li Yugang and Li Lingshi saw him, they immediately stood there in shock, their jaws almost dropped in shock.

How can it be? How did Zhu Minrui appear in this place? !

Li Lingshi's heart skipped a beat, she felt that she must be finished.

"This is the evidence of your plagiarism! You will be legally responsible!" Zhu Minrui looked at the two people angrily, and said fiercely.

"No, director, you, don't get me wrong, things are not what you imagined..." Li Lingshi defended feebly.

"It's not what I imagined? I didn't imagine it! The evidence is right in front of you, there's nothing to quibble about, just wait for the lawsuit." Zhu Minrui said firmly, for this kind of plagiarism, He just felt hatred to the bone.

Li Yugang, who was on the side, rolled his eyes when he saw the corruption of the world, and a shrewd light flashed in his eyes, and he said to them: "It's all this woman, she tried to reveal the secrets of your program group to me, and told me I made a high-priced request, and I was going to refuse it, but I didn't expect you to show up! It has nothing to do with me at all."

Li Lingshi raised her head in shock, and looked at Li Yugang, how could he say such a thing, wouldn't he just put all the responsibility on himself?

"What do you mean!" Li Lingshi roared angrily.

In order to protect himself, Li Yugang also lost his mind, and said directly: "Don't you know what I mean? I have already rejected you, and you are still stalking me to sell the secret to me. I wonder if it is you" The program team of "The Extremely Fast" deliberately made such a thing up, to slander us for plagiarism!"

"Hehe! Li Yugang, since you are going to add insult to injury, then I will not be polite!" Li Lingshi was also angered by Li Yugang.

Zhu Minrui and all the bodyguards stood aside and watched the show.

It seems that it is easy to solve these two people this time. They have not done anything yet, and the two have started fighting.

Zhu Minrui looked at the two with great interest.

Then, Li Lingshi took out a recording pen from her bag, waved it in her hand, and then pressed it down.

The sound quality of the recording is not very clear, but the voices of Li Lingshi and Li Yugang can still be recognized.

"This is the game planning of the "Extremely Fast" program group this time, take a look." It was Li Lingshi's voice.

Then, Li Yugang in the voice recorder said, "Okay, you did a good job this time. I will give you the money you asked for. This time, I want to see what happens with "The Extreme". One day when the program is aired, they will end up plagiarizing, hahaha..."


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