The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1042 It's So Difficult To Be Cute (Fifth Watch)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

This time, the plot got a huge reversal, which shocked a large number of netizens.

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

[Fuck! It's really enough, "Dear Challenge" is too shameless, it can do such a thing, but at the time she said so confidently that "Ford" plagiarized her. This face is really thicker than the city wall. 】

[This time, the plot is really reversed. Those who said that "The Speeding" plagiarized people were really slapped in the face. 】

[As a fan of "The Extreme", when I saw this news, I was moved to tears. How could it be so good? I kept saying that there must be some misunderstanding. I like it so much and have loved it for so long. The program must not be plagiarized! Sure enough, the program group did not disappoint the hopes of our fans! 】

[Originally, I was a little shaken when I saw that the "Extremely Fast" program team hadn't come out to explain it. I thought it was plagiarism, but I still couldn't bear to scold the program. Now I'm glad I kept my sanity at that time. 】

[Ah, as the person who scolded "The Extreme" because of these misunderstandings, I am here to apologize to all the hardworking people in the program group. 】

[You really need evidence before you can speak. This time "Extremely Fast" produced such strong evidence, the plot probably won't be reversed again. I feel that the crew of "Dear Challenge" is completely cold. 】


But this time the situation caused a lot of repercussions. After many people knew about it, they sneered at the behavior of "Dear Challenge".

Soon after, the court issued a summons against Li Yugang.

Regarding the evidence this time, Li Yugang has nothing to defend at all. The facts are in front of him, no matter how good a lawyer he hired, and no matter what explanation he gave, it will not help.

The matter of plagiarism is already a real hammer.


Many media reported this matter.

—— "Dear Challenge" program group plagiarism evidence

—— "'Extreme Speed' Was Plagiarized"

——"Li Yugang and his program group may face huge compensation"

——"Plagiarism is shameful! "

—— "Resist Plagiarism! "


All kinds of comments began to ferment on the Internet, and "Dear Challenge" was also suspended.

Li Yugang and Li Lingshi were caught up in endless court summons.

They regret doing this, but it is of no use anymore.

Shu Cheng looked at the reports about these two people on the Internet, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, heh, it's all his own fault.

And Zhu Minrui also specially posted a V blog to thank Shu Cheng.

[Zhu Minrui v: Actually this time, thanks to Shu Cheng's help, Shu Cheng came up with the plan to catch the traitor, and he also spent a day quickly writing a program to help find the traitor. traitor. I can only say that at my age, I am really lucky to meet a versatile genius like Shu Cheng. 】

Zhu Minrui took out his mobile phone and sent Shu Cheng a WeChat message.

[Zhu Minrui: Praise? [/pride]】


Shu Cheng's mouth twitched slightly.

[Shu Cheng: You don't need to tell me, everyone knows my wit. 】

Zhu Minrui: "..." It's so difficult to be cute.

In an instant, Shu Cheng's fans saw Zhu Minrui's V blog and rushed over one after another, commenting frantically under Zhu Minrui's V blog.

[Wow! ! It turned out that it was all done by male gods, amazing, amazing. The male god also wrote the small program in a day. As a programmer, I said that my whole knee would be dedicated. 】

[It's really a positive energy idol. 】

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